I didn't write this code the auther stopped working on it so I am trying to make an app with it.

I think I got it working although there is still a lot of non-critical errors you can submit issues

authors words" There are some changes compared to the last app store version as I was working on an update (most significantly, I added the possibility to configure alert sounds for received data) and I believe this update was pretty much done - but again, I'm not sure. The commit history has been removed for privacy reasons.

App Store Description

With this app you can control, test and debug projects that incorporate the HM10 Bluetooth UART module (or similar ones).


• Fully customisable console view, with options like:
- Display format (ASCII, Hex, Dec, etc.)
- Line numbers and timestamps
- Newline behaviour 
- Style (code or chat) and sound effects

• Send data how it suits you:
- In different formats (ASCII, Hex, Dec, etc.)
- With or without newline/carriage return character at the end
- All at once or in chunks (to accommodate for processing time)

• Create buttons to send pre-determined messages
- Customise the messages, titles, color and layout
- Optionally send message repeatedly while button is pressed
- Optionally append newline character to messages
- These buttons can be exported, to be imported on other devices

• Completely functional bluetooth explorer included!
Find out the services, descriptors and other properties of any bluetooth device in range

• "Send on Connect" option, to send a preset message after pairing

• "Auto Reconnect" option, to reconnect automatically to the previous device

• Easily copy or share the sent and received messages

• Editable service/characteristic UUIDs to connect to

• Read/Write characteristic UUIDs can be set separately

• Easy to use minimalist layout

Several components of this app are available on GitHub.com/hoiberg for use in your own projects.
A full tutorial on how to use the HM10 is available on hangar42.nl

Note: This is not an official JNHuaMao app.
With icons by icons8.com