[IJCAI 2016] - 201602
- Action Recognition with Joints-Pooled 3D Deep Convolutional Descriptors [paper]
[ECCV 2016] - 201603
- Human pose estimation using deep consensus voting [paper] [poster] [code]
- Human pose estimation via Convolutional Part Heatmap Regression [paper] [code] [poster]
- Stacked Hourglass Networks for Human Pose Estimation [paper] [project] [Demo Code] [Training Code] [poster]
- DeeperCut: A Deeper, Stronger, and Faster Multi-Person Pose Estimation Model [paper] [code] [project] [poster]
- Towards Viewpoint Invariant 3D Human Pose Estimation [paper] [project] [poster]
- Bayesian Image based 3D Pose Estimation [paper] [poster]
- Keep it SMPL: Automatic Estimation of 3D Human Pose and Shape from a Single Image (Spotlight) [paper] [project] [code1] [code2] [poster]
- A Sequential Approach to 3D Human Pose Estimation: Separation of Localization and Identification of Body Joints [paper] [poster]
[NIPS 2016] - 201605
- CRF-CNN: Modeling Structured Information in Human Pose Estimation [paper]
- MoCap-guided Data Augmentation for 3D Pose Estimation in the Wild [paper]
[AAAI 2017] - 201609
[IJCAI 2017] - 201702
[ICCV 2017] - 201703
- Benchmarking and Error Diagnosis in Multi-Instance Pose Estimation [paper] [project] [code] [supplemental]
- Adversarial PoseNet: A Structure-Aware Convolutional Network for Human Pose Estimation [paper]
- Learning Feature Pyramids for Human Pose Estimation [paper] [code] [supplemental] [author:Wei Yang]
- RMPE: Regional Multi-Person Pose Estimation [paper] [project] [code] [author:Hao-Shu Fang]
- Compositional Human Pose Regression [paper] [slides] [video] [author:Xiao Sun 孙骁]
- Deep Globally Constrained MRFs for Human Pose Estimation [paper]
- Binarized Convolutional Landmark Localizers for Human Pose Estimation and Face Alignment With Limited Resources (Oral)[paper] [project] [code] [supplemental] [video] [author:Adrian Bulat]
- Self-Supervised Learning of Pose Embeddings From Spatiotemporal Relations in Videos [paper] [supplemental]
- Active Learning for Human Pose Estimation [paper]
- Human Pose Estimation using Global and Local Normalization [paper] [supplemental]
- A Coarse-Fine Network for Keypoint Localization (Spotlight) [paper] [video]
- Towards 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild: A Weakly-Supervised Approach [paper] [code:Torch] [code:PyTorch] [supplemental] [poster] [slides] [author:Xingyi Zhou]
- A Simple yet Effective Baseline for 3D Human Pose Estimation [paper] [code] [video] [author:Julieta Martinez]
- Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation by Predicting Depth on Joints [paper]
- Learning to Fuse 2D and 3D Image Cues for Monocular Body Pose Estimation [paper] [project] [code] [supplemental] [author:Bugra Tekin]
- Chained Multi-Stream Networks Exploiting Pose, Motion, and Appearance for Action Classification and Detection [paper] [project] [code] [supplemental]
- The Pose Knows: Video Forecasting by Generating Pose Futures [paper]
- RPAN: An End-To-End Recurrent Pose-Attention Network for Action Recognition in Videos (Oral) [paper] [code] [supplemental] ) [video]
- Pose-Driven Deep Convolutional Model for Person Re-Identification [paper]
- Long Short-Term Memory Kalman Filters: Recurrent Neural Estimators for Pose Regularization [paper] [code]
[NIPS 2017] - 201705
- Pose Guided Person Image Generation [paper] [code] [slides] [author: Liqian Ma]
[AAAI 2018] - 201709
- A Cascaded Inception of Inception Network With Attention Modulated Feature Fusion for Human Pose Estimation [paper]
- An Adversarial Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model for Human Pose Modeling and Generation [paper] [project] [PPT]
- Cross-View Person Identification by Matching Human Poses Estimated With Confidence on Each Body Joint [paper]
- PoseHD: Boosting Human Detectors Using Human Pose Information [paper]
[CVPR 2018] - 201711
- Detect-and-Track: Efficient Pose Estimation in Videos [paper] [code]
- Human Pose Estimation With Parsing Induced Learner [paper] [code] [author:NIE Xuecheng 聂学成]
- Jointly Optimize Data Augmentation and Network Training: Adversarial Data Augmentation in Human Pose Estimation [paper] [code]
- 2D/3D Pose Estimation and Action Recognition Using Multitask Deep Learning [paper] [supplemental]
- PoseTrack: A Benchmark for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking [paper]
- LSTM Pose Machines [paper] [code]
- Cascaded Pyramid Network for Multi-Person Pose Estimation [paper] [code] [slides]
- DensePose: Dense Human Pose Estimation in the Wild (Oral) [paper] [project] [code]
- Through-Wall Human Pose Estimation Using Radio Signals (Spotlight) [paper] [project]
- V2V-PoseNet: Voxel-to-Voxel Prediction Network for Accurate 3D Hand and Human Pose Estimation From a Single Depth Map [paper] [code] [supplemental]
- 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild by Adversarial Learning [paper] [video] [author:Wei Yang]
- Ordinal Depth Supervision for 3D Human Pose Estimation (Oral) [paper] [project] [code] [supplemental] [video] [author:Xiaowei Zhou 周晓巍]
- Learning Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation From Multi-View Images (Spotlight) [paper] [project] [supplemental] [video] [author:Helge Rhodin]
- Weakly and Semi Supervised Human Body Part Parsing via Pose-Guided Knowledge Transfer (Spotlight) [paper] [code] [author:Hao-Shu Fang]
- Multistage Adversarial Losses for Pose-Based Human Image Synthesis (Spotlight) [paper]
- A Pose-Sensitive Embedding for Person Re-Identification With Expanded Cross Neighborhood Re-Ranking [paper] [code]
- Learning to Estimate 3D Human Pose and Shape From a Single Color Image [paper] [project] [supplemental]
- Recognizing Human Actions as the Evolution of Pose Estimation Maps [paper]
- Monocular 3D Pose and Shape Estimation of Multiple People in Natural Scenes - The Importance of Multiple Scene Constraints [paper]
- Deformable GANs for Pose-Based Human Image Generation [paper] [code] [supplemental]
- Pose Transferrable Person Re-Identification [paper]
- PoseFlow: A Deep Motion Representation for Understanding Human Behaviors in Videos [paper]
- PoTion: Pose MoTion Representation for Action Recognition [paper]
- End-to-End Recovery of Human Shape and Pose [paper] [project] [code]
- Synthesizing Images of Humans in Unseen Poses (Oral) [paper] [code] [author:Adrian Vasile Dalca]
- Unsupervised Person Image Synthesis in Arbitrary Poses (Spotlight) [paper]
- Human Pose Regression by Combining Indirect Part Detection and Contextual Information [paper] [code] [PPT]
[IJCAI 2018] - 201801
- DRPose3D: Depth Ranking in 3D Human Pose Estimation [paper]
- Deep Autoencoder for Combined Human Pose Estimation and body Model Upscaling (Oral) [paper]
- Inner Space Preserving Generative Pose Machine [paper] [project] [code]
- Multi-Scale Structure-Aware Network for Human Pose Estimation [paper]
- MultiPoseNet: Fast Multi-Person Pose Estimation using Pose Residual Network [paper][code]
- Good Line Cutting: towards Accurate Pose Tracking of Line-assisted VO/VSLAM [paper]