
Using Retrofit2,RxJava,RxKotlin,OkHttp,lottie,Material Design combined with Kotlin to display the wanAndroid's article and Douban hot movie and zhihu daily newspaper.

Primary LanguageKotlin

RsKotlin version 2.0


Rs(Read the selection) Kotlin Edition is a simple app developed by Kotlin, mainly used to learn Kotlin language and in combination with the latest framework. 中文说明

Picture display

Example1 Example2 Example3 Example4 Example5 Example6 Example7

Gif display


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Open source project

  • kotlin:1.3.0
  • retrofit:2.5.0
  • rxandroid:1.2.1
  • rxkotlin:1.0.0
  • glide:4.8.0
  • okhttp:3.12.1
  • logging-interceptor:3.8.1
  • ultra-ptr:1.0.11
  • BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper:2.9.44
  • banner:1.4.10
  • timber:4.7.1
  • android.joda:
  • flowlayout-lib:1.1.2
  • sonic-sdk:3.1.0
  • smarttablayout-library:1.6.1
  • PersistentCookieJar:v1.0.1
  • eventbus:3.1.1
  • lottie:2.7.0