
A Multitask Parallel Executor for ns-3 (network simulator).

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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A Multitask Parallel Concurrent Executor for ns-3 (network simulator).


Define your config struct and param struct, implement trait BuildParam for the first and trait BuildCmd for the second.

Then call the ExecutorBuilder to build a Executor. Then launch the tasks, wait for the results.

Examples see examples/simple.rs.

To run the example, you can first execute the script setup-ns3.sh then execute cargo run --example simple in the root directory.

Currently support 4 config file formats: toml, ron, json, yaml. Example config files can see config.toml and config.ron under root. Welcome contributions for any new config format.



How to contribute

You should follow our Code of Conduct.

See CONTRIBUTING GUIDELINES for contributing conventions.

Make sure to pass all the tests before submitting your code.


Yixin Shen


Apache-2.0 © BobAnkh