Clone the project into your Plugins directory.
Download ThirdParty.zip and unzip it into the Plugins directory.
Add this Flathead to the PrivateDependencyModuleNames list.
Overwrite the base module, hooking into the StartupModule method.
class FMyJSSampleModule : public FDefaultGameModuleImpl { virtual void StartupModule() OVERRIDE; }; void FMyJSSampleModule::StartupModule() { if (IFlathead::IsAvailable()) { IFlathead::Get().LoadGameScript("GameInit.js"); } }
Add your script file to the /Scripts directory of your project.
game.log("Game Initialization"); Object.addEventListener("game.tick", function (ev) { game.log("tick.", ev.deltaTime); });
Expose your types to JS
void AFH_FlyingPawn::Expose() { if (!IFlathead::IsAvailable()) return; IFlathead &ref = IFlathead::Get(); HandleScope handle_scope(ref.GetIsolate()); Local<Context> context = ref.GetGlobalContext(); Context::Scope ContextScope(context); Local<Object> Bob = ref.Expose(this, TEXT("Bob")); Bob->Set(String::NewFromUtf8(ref.GetIsolate(), "value", String::kInternalizedString), Number::New(ref.GetIsolate(), 42)); Local<String> key = String::NewFromUtf8(ref.GetIsolate(), "test", String::kInternalizedString); ref.LoadGameScript("BobTest.js"); }
Please consult the Wiki for further documentation. If you run into any issues, please file a ticket in the GH Tracker.
- Flying Game: https://github.com/BobGneu/UE4FlyingGame
Exposing Functions is currently not working, but may be addressed with updating to a later build of V8. You can contribute to the discussion on this topic here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/v8-users/cYkuljdJEJ8
If you have any Questions, Comments, Bug reports or feature requests for this plugin, or you wish to contact me you can and should email me - bob@gneu.org
Alternatively, you can join me in #gneu on irc.freenode.net or irc.gamesurge.net