
openHAB Javascript Library

Primary LanguageJavaScriptEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0

Build Status

openHAB Javascript Library

This library aims to be a fairly high-level ES6 library to support automation in openHAB. It provides convenient access to common openHAB functionality within rules including items, things, action, logging and more.

This library is included by default in the openHAB JavaScript binding




Default Installation

  • Install the openHAB JavaScript binding, a version of this library will be automatically installed and available to all javascript rules by default.

Custom Installation

  • Ensure you have the correct path created mkdir -p $OPENHAB_CONF/automation/lib/javascript/personal/node_modules
  • Go to the javascript personal lib directory: cd $OPENHAB_CONF/automation/lib/javascript/personal/node_modules
  • Run npm i openhab (you may need to install npm)


This library provides an easy to use API for common automation activities that interact with items, things, activities and other openHAB concepts.

Basic Usage

Using the openHAB UI, first create a new rule and set a trigger condition OpenHAB Rule Configuration

Then select "Add Action" and then select "ECMAScript". This will bring up a empty script editor where you can enter your javascript. OpenHAB Rule Script

This library is automatically imported, so you can directly access items, actions and more in your logic.

For example, turning a light on:

console.log("Kitchen Light State", items.getItem("KitchenLight").state);

Sending a notification

actions.NotificationAction.sendNotification("romeo@montague.org", "Balcony door is open");

Querying the status of a thing

const thingStatusInfo = actions.Things.getThingStatusInfo("zwave:serial_zstick:512");
console.log("Thing status",thingStatusInfo.getStatus());

See API for a complete list of functionality

Advanced Usage

Scripting may be done via the openHAB UI or by creating scripts in $OPENHAB_CONF/automation/jsr223/javascript/personal.

For file based scripts this API provides two ways of writing rules, a fluent Rule Builder API and a declarative syntax using JSRule.

By default the JS Scripting binding will export objects in the current scope, so no additional importing is necessary. This behavior can be configured on or off in the binding's configuration options.

The injected import is roughly equivalent to:

const {rules, items, things, log, triggers, actions, metadata, osgi} = require('openhab')

Rule Builder API

The Rule Builder provides a convenient API to write rules in a high-level, readable style using a builder pattern. This is particularly useful when writing rules using files as opposed to using the UI which provides its own rule creation interface.

For a declarative style creation of rules, see using the JSRule API.

Rules are started by calling rules.when() and can chain together triggers, conditions and operations in the following pattern:


A simple example of this would look like:

rules.when().item("F1_Light").changed().then().send("changed").toItem("F2_Light").build("My Rule", "My First Rule");

Operations and conditions can also optionally take functions:

rules.when().item("F1_light").changed().then(event => {
}).build("Test Rule", "My Test Rule");

see Examples for further patterns

Rule Builder Triggers

  • channel(channelName) Specifies a channel event as a source for the rule to fire.
    • .triggered(event) Trigger on a specific event name
  • cron(cronExpression) Specifies a cron schedule for the rule to fire.
  • item(itemName) Specifies an item as the source of changes to trigger a rule.
    • .for(duration)
    • .from(state)
    • .to(state)
    • .fromOff()
    • .toOn()
    • .receivedCommand()
    • .receivedUpdate()
  • memberOf(groupName)
    • .for(duration)
    • .from(state)
    • .to(state)
    • .fromOff()
    • .toOn()
    • .receivedCommand()
    • .receivedUpdate()
  • system()
    • .ruleEngineStarted()
    • .rulesLoaded()
    • .startupComplete()
    • .thingsInitialized()
    • .userInterfacesStarted()
    • .startLevel(level)
  • thing(thingName)
    • changed()
    • updated()
    • from(state)
    • to(state)

Additionally all the above triggers have the following functions:

Rule Builder Conditions

  • stateOfItem(state)

Rule Builder Operations

  • build(name, description)
  • copyAndSendState()
  • copyState()
  • inGroup(groupName)
  • postIt()
  • postUpdate(state)
  • send(command)
  • sendIt()
  • sendOff()
  • sendOn()
  • sendToggle()

Rule Builder Examples

//turn on the kitchen light at SUNSET
rules.when().timeOfDay("SUNSET").then().sendOn().toItem("KitchenLight").build("Sunset Rule","turn on the kitchen light
at SUNSET");

//turn off the kitchen light at 9PM
rules.when().cron("0 0 21 * * ?").then().sendOff().toItem("KitchenLight").build("9PM Rule", "turn off the kitchen light
at 9PM");

//set the colour of the hall light to pink at 9PM
rules.when().cron("0 0 21 * * ?").then().send("300,100,100").toItem("HallLight").build("Pink Rule", "set the colour of
the hall light to pink at 9PM");

//when the switch S1 status changes to ON, then turn on the HallLight
rules.when().item('S1').changed().toOn().then(sendOn().toItem('HallLight')).build("S1 Rule");

//when the HallLight colour changes pink, if the function fn returns true, then toggle the state of the OutsideLight

//and some rules which can be toggled by the items created in the 'gRules' Group:

//when the HallLight receives a command, send the same command to the KitchenLight
rules.when(true).item('HallLight').receivedCommand().then().sendIt().toItem('KitchenLight').build("Hall Light", "");

//when the HallLight is updated to ON, make sure that BedroomLight1 is set to the same state as the BedroomLight2

//when the BedroomLight1 is changed, run a custom function
rules.when(true).item('BedroomLight1').changed().then(() => {
// do stuff


JSRules provides a simple, declarative syntax for defining rules

name: "Lights ON at 5pm",
description: "Light will turn on when it's 5:00pm",
triggers: [triggers.GenericCronTrigger("0 0 17 * * ?")],
execute: data => {

See triggers in the API documentation for a full list of all triggers.


By default the JS Scripting binding supports console logging like console.log() and console.debug() to the openHAB default log. Additionally scripts may create their own native openHAB logs using the log namespace

//this is imported by default, shown here for clarity only
let log = require('openhab');

let logger = log('my_logger');

//prints "Hello World!"
logger.debug("Hello {}!", "world");




Creates rules in a fluent style.


Builder for rule Triggers


Condition that wraps a function to determine whether if passes


Operation to execute as part of a rule


log : object

Log namespace. This namespace provides loggers to log messages to the openHAB Log.

items : object
actions : object

Actions namespace. This namespace provides access to openHAB actions. All available actions can be accessed as direct properties of this object (via their simple class name).

triggers : object

Triggers namespace. This namespace allows creation of openHAB rule triggers.

rules : object

Rules namespace. This namespace allows creation of openHAB rules.

cache : object

Shared cache namespace. This namespace provides a default cache that can be use to set and retrieve objects that will be persisted between reloads of scripts.


Creates rules in a fluent style.

new RuleBuilder(toggleable)

Param Type Description
toggleable boolean if this builder is toggleable

ruleBuilder.when() ⇒ TriggerBuilder

Specifies when the rule should occur. Will create a standard rule.

Returns: TriggerBuilder - rule builder


Builder for rule Triggers

triggerBuilder.channel(channelName) ⇒ ChannelTriggerConfig

Specifies a channel event as a source for the rule to fire.

Returns: ChannelTriggerConfig - the trigger config

Param Type Description
channelName String the name of the channel

triggerBuilder.cron(cronExpression) ⇒ CronTriggerConfig

Specifies a cron schedule for the rule to fire.

Returns: CronTriggerConfig - the trigger config

Param Type Description
cronExpression String the cron expression

triggerBuilder.item(itemName) ⇒ ItemTriggerConfig

Specifies an item as the source of changes to trigger a rule.

Returns: ItemTriggerConfig - the trigger config

Param Type Description
itemName String the name of the item

triggerBuilder.memberOf(groupName) ⇒ ItemTriggerConfig

Specifies an group member as the source of changes to trigger a rule.

Returns: ItemTriggerConfig - the trigger config

Param Type Description
groupName String the name of the group

triggerBuilder.thing(thingUID) ⇒ ThingTriggerConfig

Specifies a Thing status event as a source for the rule to fire.

Returns: ThingTriggerConfig - the trigger config

Param Type Description
thingUID String the UID of the Thing

triggerBuilder.system() ⇒ SystemTriggerConfig

Specifies a system event as a source for the rule to fire.

Returns: SystemTriggerConfig - the trigger config


{RuleBuilder} RuleBuilder triggers

triggerConf.or() ⇒ TriggerBuilder

Add an additional Trigger

triggerConf.then(function) ⇒ OperationBuilder

Move to the rule operations

Param Type Description
function * the optional function to execute

triggerConf.if(function) ⇒ ConditionBuilder

Move to the rule condition

Param Type Description
function * the optional function to execute

TriggerBuilder.ChannelTriggerConfig ⇐ TriggerConf

Extends: TriggerConf

channelTriggerConfig.to(eventName) ⇒ ChannelTriggerConfig

trigger a specific event name

Param Type
eventName string

channelTriggerConfig.triggered(eventName) ⇒ ChannelTriggerConfig

trigger a specific event name

Param Type
eventName string

channelTriggerConfig.or() ⇒ TriggerBuilder

Add an additional Trigger

Overrides: or

channelTriggerConfig.then(function) ⇒ OperationBuilder

Move to the rule operations

Overrides: then

Param Type Description
function * the optional function to execute

channelTriggerConfig.if(function) ⇒ ConditionBuilder

Move to the rule condition

Overrides: if

Param Type Description
function * the optional function to execute

TriggerBuilder.CronTriggerConfig ⇐ TriggerConf

Cron based trigger

Extends: TriggerConf

cronTriggerConfig.or() ⇒ TriggerBuilder

Add an additional Trigger

Overrides: or

cronTriggerConfig.then(function) ⇒ OperationBuilder

Move to the rule operations

Overrides: then

Param Type Description
function * the optional function to execute

cronTriggerConfig.if(function) ⇒ ConditionBuilder

Move to the rule condition

Overrides: if

Param Type Description
function * the optional function to execute

TriggerBuilder.ItemTriggerConfig ⇐ TriggerConf

item based trigger

Extends: TriggerConf

itemTriggerConfig.to(value) ⇒ ItemTriggerConfig

Item to

Param Type Description
value * this item should be triggered to

itemTriggerConfig.from(value) ⇒ ItemTriggerConfig

Item from

Param Type Description
value * this items should be triggered from

itemTriggerConfig.toOff() ⇒ ItemTriggerConfig

item changed to OFF

itemTriggerConfig.toOn() ⇒ ItemTriggerConfig

item changed to ON

itemTriggerConfig.receivedCommand() ⇒ ItemTriggerConfig

item recieved command

itemTriggerConfig.receivedUpdate() ⇒ ItemTriggerConfig

item recieved update

itemTriggerConfig.changed() ⇒ ItemTriggerConfig

item changed state

itemTriggerConfig.for(timespan) ⇒ ItemTriggerConfig

For timespan

Param Type
timespan *

itemTriggerConfig.or() ⇒ TriggerBuilder

Add an additional Trigger

Overrides: or

itemTriggerConfig.then(function) ⇒ OperationBuilder

Move to the rule operations

Overrides: then

Param Type Description
function * the optional function to execute

itemTriggerConfig.if(function) ⇒ ConditionBuilder

Move to the rule condition

Overrides: if

Param Type Description
function * the optional function to execute

TriggerBuilder.ThingTriggerConfig ⇐ TriggerConf

Thing based trigger

Extends: TriggerConf

thingTriggerConfig.changed() ⇒ ThingTriggerConfig

thing changed

thingTriggerConfig.updated() ⇒ ThingTriggerConfig

thing updates

thingTriggerConfig.from() ⇒ ThingTriggerConfig

thing status changed from

thingTriggerConfig.to() ⇒ ThingTriggerConfig

thing status changed to

thingTriggerConfig.or() ⇒ TriggerBuilder

Add an additional Trigger

Overrides: or

thingTriggerConfig.then(function) ⇒ OperationBuilder

Move to the rule operations

Overrides: then

Param Type Description
function * the optional function to execute

thingTriggerConfig.if(function) ⇒ ConditionBuilder

Move to the rule condition

Overrides: if

Param Type Description
function * the optional function to execute

TriggerBuilder.SystemTriggerConfig ⇐ TriggerConf

System based trigger

Extends: TriggerConf

systemTriggerConfig.rulesLoaded() ⇒ SystemTriggerConfig

System trigger

systemTriggerConfig.ruleEngineStarted() ⇒ SystemTriggerConfig

System trigger

systemTriggerConfig.userInterfacesStarted() ⇒ SystemTriggerConfig

System trigger

systemTriggerConfig.thingsInitialized() ⇒ SystemTriggerConfig

System trigger

systemTriggerConfig.startupComplete() ⇒ SystemTriggerConfig

System trigger

systemTriggerConfig.startLevel() ⇒ SystemTriggerConfig

System trigger

systemTriggerConfig.or() ⇒ TriggerBuilder

Add an additional Trigger

Overrides: or

systemTriggerConfig.then(function) ⇒ OperationBuilder

Move to the rule operations

Overrides: then

Param Type Description
function * the optional function to execute

systemTriggerConfig.if(function) ⇒ ConditionBuilder

Move to the rule condition

Overrides: if

Param Type Description
function * the optional function to execute


Condition that wraps a function to determine whether if passes

conditionBuilder.then(function) ⇒ OperationBuilder

Move to the rule operations

Param Type Description
function * the optional function to execute

conditionBuilder.stateOfItem(itemName) ⇒ ItemStateConditionConf

Condition of an item in determining whether to process rule.

Returns: ItemStateConditionConf - the operation config

Param Type Description
itemName String the name of the item to assess the state


{RuleBuilder} RuleBuilder conditions

conditionConf.then(function) ⇒

Returns: ConditionBuilder

Param Type Description
function * an optional function

ConditionBuilder.FunctionConditionConf ⇐ ConditionConf

Condition that wraps a function to determine whether if passes

Extends: ConditionConf

new FunctionConditionConf(fn)

Creates a new function condition. Don't call directly.

Param Type Description
fn * callback which determines whether the condition passes

functionConditionConf.then(function) ⇒

Overrides: then
Returns: ConditionBuilder

Param Type Description
function * an optional function

ConditionBuilder.ItemStateConditionConf ⇐ ConditionConf

Condition that wraps a function to determine whether if passes

Extends: ConditionConf

itemStateConditionConf.is(value) ⇒ this

Checks if item state is equal to vlaue

Param Type
value *

itemStateConditionConf.in(...values) ⇒ this

Checks if item state matches any array of values

Param Type
...values any

itemStateConditionConf.then(function) ⇒

Overrides: then
Returns: ConditionBuilder

Param Type Description
function * an optional function


Operation to execute as part of a rule

operationBuilder.build(name, description)

Build this rule

Param Type Description
name string of the rules
description string of the rule

operationBuilder.inGroup(group) ⇒ OperationBuilder

Specify the rule group for this rule

Returns: OperationBuilder - this

Param Type Description
group string the group this rule belongs to.

operationBuilder.send(command) ⇒ SendCommandOrUpdateOperation

Specifies that a command should be sent as a result of this rule firing.

Returns: SendCommandOrUpdateOperation - the operation

Param Type Description
command String the command to send

operationBuilder.postUpdate(update) ⇒ SendCommandOrUpdateOperation

Specifies that an update should be posted as a result of this rule firing.

Returns: SendCommandOrUpdateOperation - the operation

Param Type Description
update String the update to send

operationBuilder.sendOn() ⇒ SendCommandOrUpdateOperation

Specifies the a command 'ON' should be sent as a result of this rule firing.

Returns: SendCommandOrUpdateOperation - the operation

operationBuilder.sendOff() ⇒ SendCommandOrUpdateOperation

Specifies the a command 'OFF' should be sent as a result of this rule firing.

Returns: SendCommandOrUpdateOperation - the operation

operationBuilder.sendToggle() ⇒ ToggleOperation

Specifies a command should be sent to toggle the state of the target object as a result of this rule firing.

Returns: ToggleOperation - the operation

operationBuilder.sendIt() ⇒ SendCommandOrUpdateOperation

Specifies a command should be forwarded to the state of the target object as a result of this rule firing. This relies on the trigger being the result of a command itself.

Returns: SendCommandOrUpdateOperation - the operation

operationBuilder.postIt() ⇒ SendCommandOrUpdateOperation

Specifies a command state should be posted to the target object as a result of this rule firing. This relies on the trigger being the result of a command itself.

Returns: SendCommandOrUpdateOperation - the operation

operationBuilder.copyState() ⇒ CopyStateOperation

Copies the state from one item to another. Can be used to proxy item state. State is updated, not sent as a command.

Returns: CopyStateOperation - the operation config

operationBuilder.copyAndSendState() ⇒ CopyStateOperation

Sends the state from one item to another. Can be used to proxy item state. State is sent as a command.

Returns: CopyStateOperation - the operation config


{RuleBuilder} RuleBuilder triggers

operationConfig.inGroup(group) ⇒ OperationBuilder

Specify the rule group for this rule

Returns: OperationBuilder - this

Param Type Description
group string the group this rule belongs to.

operationConfig.build(name, description)

Build this rule

Param Type Description
name string of the rules
description string of the rule

OperationBuilder.CopyStateOperation ⇐ OperationConfig

Copies state from one item to another item

Extends: OperationConfig

new CopyStateOperation(send)

Creates a new operation. Don't use constructor directly.

Param Type Description
send Boolean whether to send (or post update) the state

copyStateOperation.fromItem(item_name) ⇒ CopyStateOperation

Sets the item to copy the state from

Returns: CopyStateOperation - this

Param Type Description
item_name String the item to copy state from

copyStateOperation.toItem(item_name) ⇒ CopyStateOperation

Sets the item to copy the state to

Returns: CopyStateOperation - this

Param Type Description
item_name String the item to copy state to

copyStateOperation.and() ⇒ CopyStateOperation

Appends another operation to execute when the rule fires

Returns: CopyStateOperation - this

copyStateOperation.inGroup(group) ⇒ OperationBuilder

Specify the rule group for this rule

Overrides: inGroup
Returns: OperationBuilder - this

Param Type Description
group string the group this rule belongs to.

copyStateOperation.build(name, description)

Build this rule

Overrides: build

Param Type Description
name string of the rules
description string of the rule

OperationBuilder.SendCommandOrUpdateOperation ⇐ OperationConfig

Sends a command or update to an item

Extends: OperationConfig

sendCommandOrUpdateOperation.toItems(itemsOrNames) ⇒ SendCommandOrUpdateOperation

Send command to multiple items

Returns: SendCommandOrUpdateOperation - this

Param Type Description
itemsOrNames * the items to send a command to

sendCommandOrUpdateOperation.toItem(itemOrName) ⇒ SendCommandOrUpdateOperation

Send command to an item

Returns: SendCommandOrUpdateOperation - this

Param Type Description
itemOrName * the item to send a command to

sendCommandOrUpdateOperation.and(next) ⇒ SendCommandOrUpdateOperation

Send another command

Returns: SendCommandOrUpdateOperation - this

Param Type
next *

sendCommandOrUpdateOperation.inGroup(group) ⇒ OperationBuilder

Specify the rule group for this rule

Overrides: inGroup
Returns: OperationBuilder - this

Param Type Description
group string the group this rule belongs to.

sendCommandOrUpdateOperation.build(name, description)

Build this rule

Overrides: build

Param Type Description
name string of the rules
description string of the rule

OperationBuilder.ToggleOperation ⇐ OperationConfig

Toggles the state of an item

Extends: OperationConfig

toggleOperation.doToggle() ⇒ SendCommandOrUpdateOperation

Toggle the state of an item

Returns: SendCommandOrUpdateOperation - this

toggleOperation.inGroup(group) ⇒ OperationBuilder

Specify the rule group for this rule

Overrides: inGroup
Returns: OperationBuilder - this

Param Type Description
group string the group this rule belongs to.

toggleOperation.build(name, description)

Build this rule

Overrides: build

Param Type Description
name string of the rules
description string of the rule

OperationBuilder.TimingItemStateOperation ⇐ OperationConfig

Timing Item state

Extends: OperationConfig

timingItemStateOperation.inGroup(group) ⇒ OperationBuilder

Specify the rule group for this rule

Overrides: inGroup
Returns: OperationBuilder - this

Param Type Description
group string the group this rule belongs to.

timingItemStateOperation.build(name, description)

Build this rule

Overrides: build

Param Type Description
name string of the rules
description string of the rule

log : object

Log namespace. This namespace provides loggers to log messages to the openHAB Log.

Example (Basic logging)

let log = require('openhab').log('my_logger');
log.info("Hello World!")


Logger class. A named logger providing the ability to log formatted messages.

new Logger(_name, _listener)

Creates a new logger. Don't use directly, use log on module.

Param Type Description
_name String the name of the logger. Will be prefixed by LOGGER_PREFIX
_listener * a callback to receive logging calls. Can be used to send calls elsewhere, such as escalate errors.

logger.listener ⇒ *

The listener function attached to this logger.

Returns: * - the listener function

logger.name ⇒ String

The name of this logger

Returns: String - the logger name


Logs at ERROR level.

See: atLevel


Logs at ERROR level.

See: atLevel


Logs at INFO level.

See: atLevel


Logs at DEBUG level.

See: atLevel


Logs at TRACE level.

See: atLevel

logger.atLevel(level, msg, [...objects])

Logs a message at the supplied level. The message may include placeholders {} which will be substituted into the message string only if the message is actually logged.

Param Type Description
level String The level at which to log, such as 'INFO', or 'DEBUG'
msg String, Error the message to log, possibly with object placeholders
[...objects] Array.<Object> the objects to substitute into the log message


log.atLevel('INFO', 'The widget was created as {}', widget);


Creates a logger.

See: Logger

Param Type Description
name string the name of the logger
[_listener] * an optional listener to process log events.


Logger prefix

items : object


Class representing an openHAB Item

new OHItem(rawItem)

Create an OHItem, wrapping a native Java openHAB Item. Don't use this constructor, instead call getItem.

Param Type Description
rawItem HostItem Java Item from Host

ohItem.type ⇒ String

The type of the item: the Simple (without package) name of the Java item type, such as 'Switch'.

Returns: String - the type

ohItem.name ⇒ String

The name of the item.

Returns: String - the name

ohItem.label ⇒ String

The label attached to the item

Returns: String - the label

ohItem.state ⇒ String

The state of the item, as a string.

Returns: String - the item's state

ohItem.rawState ⇒ HostState

The raw state of the item, as a java object.

Returns: HostState - the item's state

ohItem.members ⇒ Array.<OHItem>

Members / children / direct descendents of the current group item (as returned by 'getMembers()'). Must be a group item.

Returns: Array.<OHItem> - member items

ohItem.descendents ⇒ Array.<OHItem>

All descendents of the current group item (as returned by 'getAllMembers()'). Must be a group item.

Returns: Array.<OHItem> - all descendent items

ohItem.isUninitialized ⇒

Whether this item is initialized.

Returns: true iff the item has not been initialized


Gets the tags from this item

ohItem.getMetadataValue(namespace) ⇒ String

Gets metadata values for this item.

Returns: String - the metadata associated with this item and namespace

Param Type Description
namespace String The namespace for the metadata to retreive

ohItem.updateMetadataValue(namespace, value) ⇒ String

Updates metadata values for this item.

Returns: String - the updated value

Param Type Description
namespace String The namespace for the metadata to update
value String the value to update the metadata to

ohItem.upsertMetadataValue(namespace, value) ⇒ Boolean

Inserts or updates metadata values for this item.

Returns: Boolean - true iff a new value was inserted

Param Type Description
namespace String The namespace for the metadata to update
value String the value to update the metadata to


Updates metadata values for this item.

Param Type Description
namespaceToValues Map A map of namespaces to values to update


Sends a command to the item


  • sendCommandIfDifferent
  • postUpdate
Param Type Description
value String, HostState the value of the command to send, such as 'ON'

ohItem.sendCommandIfDifferent(value) ⇒ Boolean

Sends a command to the item, but only if the current state is not what is being sent. Note

Returns: Boolean - true if the command was sent, false otherwise
See: sendCommand

Param Type Description
value String, HostState the value of the command to send, such as 'ON'


Posts an update to the item

See: sendCommand

Param Type Description
value String, HostState the value of the command to send, such as 'ON'


Adds groups to this item

Param Type Description
...groupNamesOrItems Array.<(String|OHItem)> names of the groups (or the group items themselves)


Removes groups from this item

Param Type Description
...groupNamesOrItems Array.<(String|OHItem)> names of the groups (or the group items themselves)


Adds tags to this item

Param Type Description
...tagNames Array.<String> names of the tags to add


Removes tags from this item

Param Type Description
...tagNames Array.<String> names of the tags to remove


Tag value to be attached to all dynamically created items.

items.createItem(itemName, [itemType], [category], [groups], [label], [tags], [giBaseType], [groupFunction], [itemMetadata])

Creates a new item within OpenHab. This item is not registered with any provider.

Note that all items created this way have an additional tag attached, for simpler retrieval later. This tag is created with the value DYNAMIC_ITEM_TAG.

Param Type Description
itemName String Item name for the Item to create
[itemType] String the type of the Item
[category] String the category (icon) for the Item
[groups] Array.<String> an array of groups the Item is a member of
[label] String the label for the Item
[tags] Array.<String> an array of tags for the Item
[giBaseType] HostItem the group Item base type for the Item
[groupFunction] HostGroupFunction the group function used by the Item
[itemMetadata] Map a map of metadata to set on the item

items.addItem(itemName, [itemType], [category], [groups], [label], [tags], [giBaseType], [groupFunction])

Creates a new item within OpenHab. This item will persist regardless of the lifecycle of the script creating it.

Note that all items created this way have an additional tag attached, for simpler retrieval later. This tag is created with the value DYNAMIC_ITEM_TAG.

Param Type Description
itemName String Item name for the Item to create
[itemType] String the type of the Item
[category] String the category (icon) for the Item
[groups] Array.<String> an array of groups the Item is a member of
[label] String the label for the Item
[tags] Array.<String> an array of tags for the Item
[giBaseType] HostItem the group Item base type for the Item
[groupFunction] HostGroupFunction the group function used by the Item

items.removeItem(itemOrItemName) ⇒ Boolean

Removes an item from OpenHab. The item is removed immediately and cannot be recoved.

Returns: Boolean - true iff the item is actually removed

Param Type Description
itemOrItemName String, HostItem the item to remove

items.replaceItem(itemName, [itemType], [category], [groups], [label], [tags], [giBaseType], [groupFunction])

Replaces (upserts) an item. If an item exists with the same name, it will be removed and a new item with the supplied parameters will be created in it's place. If an item does not exist with this name, a new item will be created with the supplied parameters.

This function can be useful in scripts which create a static set of items which may need updating either periodically, during startup or even during development of the script. Using fixed item names will ensure that the items remain up-to-date, but won't fail with issues related to duplicate items.

Param Type Description
itemName String Item name for the Item to create
[itemType] String the type of the Item
[category] String the category (icon) for the Item
[groups] Array.<String> an array of groups the Item is a member of
[label] String the label for the Item
[tags] Array.<String> an array of tags for the Item
[giBaseType] HostItem the group Item base type for the Item
[groupFunction] HostGroupFunction the group function used by the Item

items.getItem(name, nullIfMissing) ⇒ OHItem

Gets an openHAB Item.

Returns: OHItem - the item

Param Type Default Description
name String the name of the item
nullIfMissing String false whether to return null if the item cannot be found (default is to throw an exception)

items.getItemsByTag(...tagNames) ⇒ Array.<OHItem>

Gets all openHAB Items with a specific tag.

Returns: Array.<OHItem> - the items with a tag that is included in the passed tags

Param Type Description
...tagNames Array.<String> an array of tags to match against

items.safeItemName(s) ⇒ String

Helper function to ensure an item name is valid. All invalid characters are replaced with an underscore.

Returns: String - a valid item name

Param Type Description
s String the name to make value

actions : object

Actions namespace. This namespace provides access to openHAB actions. All available actions can be accessed as direct properties of this object (via their simple class name).

Example (Sends a broadcast notification)

let { actions } = require('openhab');
actions.NotificationAction.sendBroadcastNotification("Hello World!")

Example (Sends a PushSafer notification)

let { actions } = require('openhab');
 actions.Pushsafer.pushsafer("<your pushsafer api key>", "<message>", "<message title>", "", "", "", "")

triggers : object

Triggers namespace. This namespace allows creation of openHAB rule triggers.


Creates a trigger that fires upon specific events in a channel.

Param Type Description
channel String the name of the channel
event String the name of the event to listen for
[triggerName] String the name of the trigger to create


ChannelEventTrigger('astro:sun:local:rise#event', 'START')


Creates a trigger that fires upon an item changing state.

Param Type Description
itemName String the name of the item to monitor for change
[oldState] String the previous state of the item
[newState] String the new state of the item
[triggerName] String the name of the trigger to create


ItemStateChangeTrigger('my_item', 'OFF', 'ON')


Creates a trigger that fires upon an item receiving a state update. Note that the item does not need to change state.

Param Type Description
itemName String the name of the item to monitor for change
[state] String the new state of the item
[triggerName] String the name of the trigger to create


ItemStateUpdateTrigger('my_item', 'OFF')


Creates a trigger that fires upon an item receiving a command. Note that the item does not need to change state.

Param Type Description
itemName String the name of the item to monitor for change
[command] String the command received
[triggerName] String the name of the trigger to create


ItemCommandTrigger('my_item', 'OFF')


Creates a trigger that fires upon a member of a group changing state.

Param Type Description
groupName String the name of the group to monitor for change
[oldState] String the previous state of the group
[newState] String the new state of the group
[triggerName] String the name of the trigger to create


GroupStateChangeTrigger('my_group', 'OFF', 'ON')


Creates a trigger that fires upon a member of a group receiving a state update. Note that group item does not need to change state.

Param Type Description
groupName String the name of the group to monitor for change
[state] String the new state of the group
[triggerName] String the name of the trigger to create


GroupStateUpdateTrigger('my_group', 'OFF')


Creates a trigger that fires upon a member of a group receiving a command. Note that the group does not need to change state.

Param Type Description
groupName String the name of the group to monitor for change
[command] String the command received
[triggerName] String the name of the trigger to create


GroupCommandTrigger('my_group', 'OFF')


Creates a trigger that fires upon an Thing status updating

Param Type Description
thingUID String the name of the thing to monitor for a status updating
[status] String the optional status to monitor for
[triggerName] String the name of the trigger to create




Creates a trigger that fires upon an Thing status changing

Param Type Description
thingUID String the name of the thing to monitor for a status change
[status] String the optional status to monitor for
[previousStatus] String the optional previous state to monitor from
[triggerName] String the optional name of the trigger to create




Creates a trigger that fires if a given start level is reached by the system

Param Type Description
startlevel String the system start level to be triggered on
[triggerName] String the name of the trigger to create


SystemStartlevelTrigger(40)  //Rules loaded
SystemStartlevelTrigger(50)  //Rule engine started
SystemStartlevelTrigger(70)  //User interfaces started
SystemStartlevelTrigger(80)  //Things initialized
SystemStartlevelTrigger(100) //Startup Complete


Creates a trigger that fires on a cron schedule. The supplied cron expression defines when the trigger will fire.

Param Type Description
expression String the cron expression defining the triggering schedule


GenericCronTrigger('0 30 16 * * ? *')


Creates a trigger that fires daily at a specific time. The supplied time defines when the trigger will fire.

Param Type Description
time String the time expression defining the triggering schedule



rules : object

Rules namespace. This namespace allows creation of openHAB rules.

rules.JSRule(ruleConfig) ⇒ HostRule

Creates a rule. The rule will be created and immediately available.

Returns: HostRule - the created rule

Param Type Description
ruleConfig Object The rule config describing the rule
ruleConfig.name String the name of the rule
ruleConfig.description String a description of the rule
ruleConfig.execute * callback that will be called when the rule fires
ruleConfig.triggers HostTrigger, Array.<HostTrigger> triggers which will define when to fire the rule


import { rules, triggers } = require('openhab');

 name: "my_new_rule",
 description": "this rule swizzles the swallows",
 triggers: triggers.GenericCronTrigger("0 30 16 * * ? *"),
 execute: triggerConfig => { //do stuff }

rules.SwitchableJSRule(ruleConfig) ⇒ HostRule

Creates a rule, with an associated SwitchItem that can be used to toggle the rule's enabled state. The rule will be created and immediately available.

Returns: HostRule - the created rule

Param Type Description
ruleConfig Object The rule config describing the rule
ruleConfig.name String the name of the rule
ruleConfig.description String a description of the rule
ruleConfig.execute * callback that will be called when the rule fires
ruleConfig.triggers Array.<HostTrigger> triggers which will define when to fire the rule
ruleConfig.ruleGroup String the name of the rule group to use.

rules.when(withToggle) ⇒ TriggerBuilder

Create a new {RuleBuilder} chain for easily creating rules.

Returns: TriggerBuilder - rule builder

Param Type Description
withToggle boolean rule can be toggled on or off (optional)

Example (Basic rule)

rules.when().item("F1_Light").changed().then().send("changed").toItem("F2_Light").build("My Rule", "My First Rule");

Example (Rule with function)

rules.when().item("F1_light").changed().to("100").then(event => {
 }).build("Test Rule", "My Test Rule");

cache : object

Shared cache namespace. This namespace provides a default cache that can be use to set and retrieve objects that will be persisted between reloads of scripts.

cache.get(key, [defaultSupplier]) ⇒ * | null

Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped

Returns: * | null - the current object for the supplied key, a default value if defaultSupplier is provided, or null

Param Type Description
key string the key whose associated value is to be returned
[defaultSupplier] function if the specified key is not already associated with a value, this function will return a default value

Example (Get a previously set value with a default value (times = 0))

let counter = cache.get("counter", () => ({ "times": 0 }));

Example (Get a previously set object)

let counter = cache.get("counter");
if(counter == null){
     counter = {times: 0};
     cache.put("counter", counter);

cache.put(key, value) ⇒ * | null

Associates the specified value with the specified key

Returns: * | null - the previous value associated with null, or null if there was no mapping for key

Param Type Description
key string key with which the specified value is to be associated
value * value value to be associated with the specified key

cache.remove(key) ⇒ * | null

Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present

Returns: * | null - the previous value associated with key or null if there was no mapping for key

Param Type Description
key string key whose mapping is to be removed from the map