This module adds a store locator to the website. You can search a retailer on map.
The module requires:
- Install the module via Composer:
composer require smile/module-store-locator
- Enable it:
bin/magento module:enable Smile_StoreLocator
- Optionnal : Drop old SMILE_RETAILER_ADDRESS_RETAILER_ID unique key:
if you already used older Smile_StoreLocator module on your projects, and you want to upgrade it, before upgrading, you will have to DROP your current UNIQUE KEY from table smile_retailer_address : SMILE_RETAILER_ADDRESS_RETAILER_ID This is necessary in order to get a db_schema.xml working correctly.
- Install the module and rebuild the DI cache:
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Stores > Configuration > Services > Smile Map > Map Settings
Maximum number of visible stores: Above this limit, the list of stores will be not display
To add autocompletion you need to add this module:
RetailerSearch /!\ be careful with dependencies