
FCC back end project. URL shortener

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A boilerplate for freecodecamp's backend challenges with passport configured for Github login.

  • you will need to change the bin/www line 9 require debug to you app name: for example: var debug = require('debug')('fcc-boilerplate-mine:server'); || / var debug = require('debug')(':server'); replace with your app's name

  • change the name in package.json file from 'fcc-boilerplate-mine' to your app name '

  • Set up github app by flowing the step in http://www.clementinejs.com/tutorials/tutorial-passport.html#GitHubAppSetup.

  • After completeing the steps in above create an .env file in root directory. ===> GITHUB_KEY= GITHUB_SECRET= MONGO_URI= APP_URL=http://localhost:3000/ COOKIE_KEY= example => COOKIE_KEY=helloworld