
Visualise TestResult.XML generated by running NUnit console test via the command line

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NUnit test results visualiser

You can use this app on GitHub Pages, or you can download the source and run it locally in your browser.


Written in vanilla HTML/CSS/JavaScript, there are no dependencies in the source. You will however need a command line tool for running the unit tests to produce the TestResults in XML format.

Generating the TestResults.XML file for your C# project

Visual Studio installs a command line tool called MSTest, and dotnet core can use the dotnet test command, but if you are using Rider you'll need to download a free tool, like NUnit3 Console available on the NUnit downloads page

Sample Windows command that can be saved in a batch file to be re-run easily:

cd "C:\My Dev Folder\The Company\The Project\TheProject.Tests\bin\Debug\"

"C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit.org\nunit-console\nunit3-console.exe" TheProject.Tests.dll --work=c:\Temp\6

This will place a file called TestResults.XML into c:\Temp\


Copy and paste the contents of TestResults.XML into the memo of the visualiser app.

Tick the corresponding box if you would like to see

  • Duration
  • Number of Tests
  • Number of Assertions
  • Avg Test Duration

The visual representation makes it easier to spot tests that are significantly slower than the others for the amount of tests they are doing.