Ideamarket Contracts

The Ideamarket contracts for the Ethereum blockchain.


Ideamarket contract documentation


Run tests

npx hardhat test


npx hardhat run --network <mainnet|rinkeby> scripts/Deploy.js

Repository structure


Holds the Solidity smart contracts.

  • ./core: Main Ideamarket contracts
  • ./erc20: OZ ERC20 implementation
  • ./proxy: OZ AdminUpgradeabilityProxy
  • ./compound: Compound V2 interfaces
  • ./weth: Wrapped ETH (WETH) interfaces
  • ./uniswap: Uniswap V2 interfaces
  • ./test: Mock contracts for testing
  • ./timelock: DAppHub DSPause timelock. Uses spells to execute changes
  • ./spells: Spells for the DSPause timelock to delegatecall into
  • ./util: Utility contracts like Ownable and Initializable


Holds .json files containing contract addresses and ABIs of the contracts deployed on the different networks.


Diagrams and docs.


Utility scripts for deploying and making calls to on-chain contracts.


Contract unit tests