
The theme forked from Vimux/Mainroad

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


I forked this theme from Vimux/Mainroad






  • 增加了中文语言展示
  • 侧边栏增加了友情链接
  • 增加了一键分享功能,使用的JS插件是share.js,在此基础上调整了一些样式,Share.js插件安装请查看此处
  • 文章结尾增加了 相关文章 链接功能,通过文章tags匹配相关联文章
  • 新增isso评论系统,默认不开启,原主题默认支持Disqus,如果DisqusShortName参数为空并且isso_open设置为true则开启isso功能。isso需要自己搭建后端服务, 具体搭建教程详见开源评论系统isso搭建,几分钟就能搞定,相对比较简单,评论数据落地在本地服务器, 同时支持匿名评论以及admin管理等特色。
  • Hugo内置了Syntax Highlighter代码高亮,同时支持使用Pygments样式,考虑到写Markdown文件时不方便用Hugo的特定渲染语法,加入了Prims的支持。 Prims能显示代码行数,同时右上角有一键复制代码代码功能按钮,如果不想用prims高亮功能,则在写Markdown文件时代码块标点之后不要加语言名字。



  • 增加了百度网页自动推送功能,但是经常会被谷歌浏览器截断,通过参数baidu_push控制是否开启推送。

  • 增加了百度统计功能,如果设置了baidu_count_id,则自动开启了百度统计功能,baidu_count_id是你的网站在百度统计分配的。

  • 增加一键回顶部按钮

  • 自定义显示当前页前后页码数量,最后页、首页数量,通过参数paginate_step设置,不设置默认值5。


  • 增加google广告,设置google_ads_id即可。


  • 修改了内容区的宽度大小,由1080改成了1280,稍微调整了左右两边的占比比例
  • 修改了tags的显示样式(样式正在探索中)
  • 去除了文章内容页面显示缩略图原图
  • 文章Title下面增加了字数统计(icon待更换)


文章列表 文章分享 文章评论
mobile_list mobile_share mobile_comment



baseurl = "/"
title = "Mainroad"
defaultContentLanguage = "zh-cn"
paginate = "10" # Number of posts per page
theme = "mainroad"
disqusShortname = "" # Enable comments by entering your Disqus shortname
googleAnalytics = "" # Enable Google Analytics by entering your tracking id
hasCJKLanguage = true
summaryLength = "145" 

[Author] # Used in authorbox
  name = "John Doe"
  bio = "John Doe's true identity is unknown. Maybe he is a successful blogger or writer. Nobody knows it."
  avatar = "img/avatar.png"

  subtitle = "Just another site" # Subtitle of your site. Used in site header
  description = "John Doe's Personal blog about everything" # Site description. Used in meta description
  #copyright = "John Doe" # copyright holder, otherwise will use site title
  opengraph = true # Enable OpenGraph if true
  twitter_cards = true # Enable Twitter Cards if true
  readmore = false # Show "Read more" button in list if true
  authorbox = true # Show authorbox at bottom of pages if true
  toc = true # Enable Table of Contents
  post_navigation = true # Show post navigation at bottom of pages if true
  # post_meta = ["date", "categories", "translations"] # Order of post meta information. Use ["none"] to turn off completely.
  postSections = ["post"] # the section pages to show on home page and the "Recent articles" widget
  #postSections = ["blog", "news"] # alternative that shows more than one section's pages
  #dateformat = "2006-01-02" # change the format of dates
  #mathjax = true # Enable MathJax
  #mathjaxPath = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.5/MathJax.js" # Specify MathJax path
  #mathjaxConfig = "TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML" # Specify MathJax config
  customCSS = ["css/custom.css"] # Include custom CSS files
  post_related = true #是否开启 相关文章 索引功能
  share_open = true #是否开启文章尾部分享
  baidu_push = true #是否开启百度自动网页推送
  baidu_count_id = "c79473" #百度统计id
  isso_open = true # "是否开启isso评论系统"
  friend_link_open = true #是否显示友情链接
  share_top_show = true #是否展示菜单右上角分享按钮
[[Params.friendlink]]   #友情链接
  link = "https://youendless.com"   #链接地址
  title = "君无止境"                 #链接显示文字
  desc = "一个专注于容器技术的博客"    #链接站点描述文字(暂未使用,待开发)
  link = "https://youendless.com"
  title = "君无止境"
  desc = "一个专注于容器技术的博客"

[Params.isso] #isso评论插件
  prefix = "isso"  #请求的前缀,默认isso,那么isso服务的请求url则是baseURL/isso/,可以填写一个完整路径https://youendless.com/isso/

  home = "right" # Configure layout for home page
  list = "left"  # Configure layout for list pages
  single = false # Configure layout for single pages
  # Enable widgets in given order
  widgets = ["search", "recent", "categories", "taglist", "social", "languages", "friendlink"]

  recent_num = 5 # Set the number of articles in the "Recent articles" widget
  tags_counter = false # Enable counter for each tag in "Tags" widget (disabled by default)

  # Enable parts of social widget
  facebook = "username"
  twitter = "username"
  instagram = "username"
  linkedin = "username"
  telegram = "username"
  github = "username"
  gitlab = "username"
  bitbucket = "username"
  email = "example@example.com"
  google_plus = "profileid"


LanguageCode = "zh-cn"
title = "君无止境"
hasCJKLanguage = true
theme = "Mainroad"
summaryLength = "145"
defaultContentLanguage = "zh-cn"
  description = "专注于Java、Go、Kubernetes、Docker、Harbor、Helm等容器相关技术方向开发"
  subtitle = "代码沉淀技术,技术成就梦想!   Hugo、Java、Go、Docker、Harbor、Kubernetes~"
  keywords = "youendless,君无止境Hugo,Java,Go,Kubernetes,Docker,Harbor,Helm,容器技术,博客,静态博客"
  readmore = true
  dateformat = "2006-01-02"
  post_navigation = true
  post_related = true
  share_open = true
  baidu_push = true
  baidu_count_id = "1f38fa809"
  authorbox = true
  isso_open = true
  friend_link_open = true
  toc = true
  share_top_show = true
[Author] # Used in authorbox
  name = "文章作者kingfsen"
  bio = "一个不会写Bug的后端开发工程师,擅长Java、Go等编程语言。"
  avatar = "img/avatar.png"
  link = "https://youendless.com"
  title = "君无止境"
  desc = "一个专注于容器技术的博客"
  link = "https://youendless.com"
  title = "君无止境"
  desc = "一个专注于容器技术的博客"
  prefix = "isso"

  home = "right"
  list = "right"
  single = "right"
  widgets = ["search", "languages", "recent", "categories", "taglist", "social", "friendlink"]

  recent_num = 10
  tags_counter = true

  identifier = "post"
	name = "博客"
	title = "技术博客文章"
	url = "/post/"

  identifier = "about"
	name = "关于我"
	title = "博客作者的资料信息"
	url = "/about/"
  identifier = "timeline"
	name = "时间轴"
	title = "博客创作时间轨迹"
	url = "/timeline/"
  github = "kingfsen"
  email = "qq.com"
   threshold = 80
   includeNewer = true
   toLower = true
     name = "tags"
	 weight = 100