Custom Authentication Using Appsmith and APISIX

Authentication flow is a fundamental part of web applications. It ensures the security and privacy of user data while they are using your app. While there are many off-the-shelf authentication solutions available, building an authentication system using a low-code UI development platform and API management solution allows you to create secure web applications with ease. You can create an application without having knowledge of both frontend and backend technologies and tools. You do not need to know Python, Java, HTML, CSS, or other JavaScript frameworks. This repo demontrates how to build a custom simple login flow and pages on UI to secure your application using Appsmith, Apache APISIX, and JWT.

How to run the project?

Before you begin

  • Install Appsmith: You can learn how to install Appsmith using Docker on the Appsmith website. Make sure that you installed Appsmith and you can access it at http://localhost. When you deploy and run Appsmith, an application titled My first application is added by default. You can use this application to build your first app.

To run the project, run docker compose up command from the project root folder.

Read the full tutorial to follow step-by-step how to enable custom authentication with APISIX and Appsmith.

Build Custom Authentication Using Appsmith and APISIX


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