The scripts contained in this repository serve the purpose of testing, validating and publishing the cytomapper package.
For reproducibility purposes, we use Docker and workflowr to organize the scripts and the computational environment. Please follow these steps to set-up and run the analysis presented in this repository:
- Install Docker
- Pull the docker image
docker pull nilseling/bioconductor_cytomapper:0.0.3
- Run the docker image
docker run -e PASSWORD=bioc -p 8787:8787 nilseling/bioconductor_cytomapper:0.0.3
Here, the set PASSWORD
is bioc. This will be used to login to RStudio later.
- Open a browser window at
- Sign in to RStudio using
Username: rstudio
andPassword: bioc
You have now a running instance of all the software needed to reproduce the analysis.
The following steps will guide you through running the analsysis:
- Within RStudio, navigate to
- By clicking
, open the correct R project - Navigate to
and run the scripts in the provided order
Further instructions can be found in the individual scripts.
The cytomapper
version for the Bioinformatics publication can be installed via:
install.packages(c("devtools", "workflowr", "tidyverse"))
The cytomapper
version used for the bioRxiv submission can be installed via:
install.packages(c("devtools", "workflowr", "tidyverse"))
The Bioconductor release version of cytomapper
can be obtained from Bioconductor.
The following code will also install additional packages needed to perform the analysis.
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install(c("cytomapper", "workflowr", "tidyverse"))
The Bioconductor development version of cytomapper
can be installed via:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install(version = "devel", update = TRUE, ask = FALSE)
BiocManager::install(c("cytomapper", "workflowr", "tidyverse"))
The example dataset has been published in:
The dataset is available for download from Mendeley Data:
Specifically, the following files are used in the current analysis:
: Single cell data for a subset of 100 images from the original publication.ImageSubset
: Image stacks for a subset of 100 images from the original publication.Masks
: Cell masks as TIFF files.Image
: Image metadata.CellTypes
: Cell type information.Donors
: Pancreas donors metadata.Panel
: Antibody panel.ChannelMass
: File used to match channels (stack slices) and metals (antibodies).
For more information, please refer to the data folder.
Furthermore, the presented data has been deposited on ExperimentHub
an can be accessed using the imcdatasets package.
More details can be found in the 03-DataAccess script.
Please cite cytomapper
Nils Eling, Nicolas Damond, Tobias Hoch, Bernd Bodenmiller (2020). cytomapper: an R/Bioconductor package for visualisation of highly
multiplexed imaging data. Bioinformatics,