
first project for "Topicos especiales en Telematica"

Primary LanguageJavaScript


First project for the course "Topicos especiales en telematica"

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


to run this project locally you must have installed, NOTE: this was deployed in linux enviroment , specially ubuntu 16.04.



Everything that is going to be store is in schema format , example :

        username: String,
        latitude: Number,
        longitude: Number,
                type: Date,
                default: Date.now

Web services

  • web service: get method for testing the api('/test1')
  • web service: loads the html related to the gps frontend('/gps')
  • web service: get method for bringing the location for the specified user('/gps/:username')
  • web service: post method for storing current location('/save_location')
  • web service: get method that brings all the locations in the db ('/bring_all_locations')
  • web service: ('/')
  • web service: post,get method that creates or brings the profile('/_profile')
  • web service: delete current session (cookie)('/logout')
  • web service: brings the name of the user('/current_user')


A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running

  • clone this repo
$git clone https://github.com/Bodhert/Tracker.git
  • once in the folder, run the next command where the package.json is (this will install all the dependecies for the app)
$npm install 


  • now you could run the project, before run the server check if you have mongod service running (for ubuntu 16.04: sudo service mongod start) and check that port:3000 is free to use
$sudo service mongod start
$node server.js
  • if everything went rigth you should see the next message
todo list RESTful API server started on: 3000
connection with the mongo db successful

else check installation details

  • it is possible to run it in apache if you want for more look at: apache -- centos7 -- centos apache config

Running the tests

To test if the app is working , you could do it on your local browser(preferably Firefox or Chrome), and start exploring the app using the default url that was meant to be



there is already an instance of this app runnig on heroku on the next page


if you want to run your own instace of the app check heroku

Built With

  • npm 5.60
  • node v8.2.1
  • mongod v3.6.2
