
Run LLMs and GenAI as services locally to be used by GenAI applications build products without closed source paid API dependency

Primary LanguageRust

Bodhi App

Run LLMs locally.

Bodhi App runs LLMs and other GenerativeAI inference locally. It also exposes these features as authenticated services.

This allows GenAI based native applications, chrome extensions, or web pages use the local user's GPU/CPU to run inference and provide GenAI features without any paid API calls.



To install via Homebrew, add BodhiSearch/homebrew-apps as an external tap -

brew tap BodhiSearch/apps

Then install the cask bodhi -

brew install --cask bodhi

Once the installation is complete, verify the installation -

  1. invoke the CLI -
bodhi -h
  1. launch Bodhi.app from /Applications folder, and check the system tray for application icon.

  2. Open the homepage using system tray or opening website in the browser - http://localhost:1135

Dev Machine Setup

Developer Machine Setup