Discord bot Pudzilla is a meme project, created in glory of polish strongman and MMA fighter Mariusz Pudzianowski.
- JDA - Java Discord API
- Google API Services YouTube
All commands need to be preceded by a prefix "-"
- pudzian ➡️ Sends you random picture of Pudzian
- clear + (number) ➡️ Erases (number) messages from the chat
- pyt + (keywords) ➡️ Plays first track from YouTube that matches your keywords
- play or p + (URL) ➡️ Plays track from given URL or unpause if music it's paused
- pause ➡️ Pauses music
- skip ➡️ Skips track
- np or nowplaying ➡️ Displays current track
- queue ➡️ Shows track's queue
- volume + (new Value) Changes volume to (new Value), which has to be in range [10,100]
- leave ➡️ Bot leaves the voice channel