Enable SPI
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip
sudo pip install spidev
Put both nrf24.py and server.py in a folder and sudo python server.py
The aim of the code is for the Pico bot to generate a random address (pipe), setup a recv pipe and then transmit its address to the Pi The Pi will receive this on a fixed address, in the form of "NEW 12ab12ab12". Once it receives this it will reply to that address with the character "6". Once the bot receives a "6" this turns on the red LED underneath
Mine have been modified with an RGB led underneath with
Red: D6 Green: D16 (A2) Blue: D17 (A3)
White LED: D9
##Raspberry Pi:
(See Pinout.png)
Pi Pins - NRF Pins
17 - 2 19 - 6 20 - 1 21 - 7 22 - 3 23 - 5 24 - 4