An - dare I say it - awesome Python wrapper for Monzo public API.
It creates a layer of abstraction and returns Python objects instead of just passing along received JSONs. It also deals with authentication and allows using either an access token or fully authenticate via OAuth 2 that's a PITA to set up but automatically refreshes in the background.
The library currently does not implement feed items, webhooks and attachments endpoints - they were't essential to my current needs and they could be completely different in the future - per docs:
The Monzo API is under active development. Breaking changes should be expected.
With the above disclaimer from Monzo, pymonzo
is as stable as it gets before
the actual API becomes stable, at which point I'm planning to fully implement
all of its endpoints and release version 1.0.
From PyPI:
$ pip install pymonzo
If you want to just play around then you can simply get the access token taken
from Monzo API Playground, either pass it explicitly to
class or save it as an environment variable
($ export MONZO_ACCESS_TOKEN='...'
) and you're good to go. Everything works
as expected but the token is valid only for couple of hours.
The second authentication option is to go through OAuth 2, which doesn't sound bad (everyone is using it!) but from my experience is a PITA when setting up for server side applications. So.
Some technical background: Monzo currently only allows OAuth 2 'authorization code' grant type and automatic token refreshing is only allowed for 'confidential' clients.
First, you need to create an OAuth client here. Name and
logo don't really matter but you need to set the redirect URL to this repo
) and make it confidential.
Got it? Cool. You should be redirected to the overview of your new OAuth client
). You need two things from
that page, the 'Client ID' and 'Client secret'. The last required piece is the
auth code, which you can get by creating a link like the one below but with your
client ID:{{CLIENT_ID}}
You then go to the link and authorise the app. You should get an email with a link back to the GitHub repo which contains the authorization code as an URL parameter, something like:{{AUTH_CODE}}&state=
You now have all three needed values - client ID, client secret and the auth
code. You can now either pass them directly to MonzoAPI()
>> from pymonzo import MonzoAPI
>> monzo = MonzoAPI(
or save them as environment variables and initialize MonzoAPI()
without any
$ export MONZO_CLIENT_ID='...'
$ export MONZO_CLIENT_SECRET='...'
$ export MONZO_AUTH_CODE='...'
That's it! The token is then saved on the disk (~/.pymonzo
) and is
automatically refreshed when needed, so all this (should) be one time only.
There's no proper documentation as of now, but the code is commented and should be pretty straightforward to use.
That said - feel free to open a GitHub issues if anything is unclear.
Package was tested with the help of py.test
and tox
on Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5
and 3.6 (see tox.ini
Code coverage is available at Coveralls.
To run tests yourself you need to run tox
inside the repository:
$ git clone && cd pymonzo
$ pip install tox
$ tox
Package source code is available at GitHub.
Feel free to use, ask, fork, star, report bugs, fix them, suggest enhancements, add functionality and point out any mistakes. Thanks!
Developed and maintained by Paweł Adamczak.
Released under MIT License.