Segmentation fault after samtools or sambamba read the BAM file
Calhs opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi, I have encountered an issue when running my BAM file the error mentioned 'Segmentation fault' after reading the BAM files.
This is my config files:
hg38.len file (the extension file is still .len):
chrFiles directory:
This is the error output:
When I run samtools view independently, it works fine:
(sambamba works independently too, but when run with freec I had the same segmentation fault error)
The BAM file only has 1X coverage on average. I also made sure that the annotation for the chromosome name is similar among the len file, bam file, and fasta file (e.g., '1' instead of 'chr1')
Really appreciate it if you have any suggestions to fix this error. Thanks
Hi, I don't see what could go wrong from what you shared. It seems that FREEC can read from the bam file (as it can get the number of reads). Did you manage to solve the issue somehow? Did you manage to run FREEC on another example?
Hi thanks for your reply. I did manage to do it but by converting my bam files into pileup first, then using those as the input.