- 8
- 0
stack smashing detected
#154 opened by edeuse - 0
Interpreting the results
#153 opened by MaryGoAround - 0
Regions missing from ratio file
#152 opened by BhumikaPriyadarshini - 0
FREEC segfaulting at "annotate copy numbers": `cannot create std::vector larger than max_size()`
#151 opened by dmgie - 2
- 3
questions about ratio.txt
#145 opened by ZYongQi - 2
get the float copy number values
#148 opened by hushuzuiniu - 2
No normalization although it is requested
#144 opened by s-juross - 8
- 2
run with multiple control files
#128 opened by lmanchon - 1
error in running gccount
#143 opened by DeMagicscience - 1
- 1
- 7
questions about the output
#140 opened by ZYongQi - 6
Compilation error on Ubuntu
#102 opened by SzilviaKiriakov - 0
Some settings for WGS explaind in manual are not included in provided config file for WGS.
#142 opened by monagai - 0
missing p values in assess_significance.R
#141 opened by s-juross - 1
freec can't extract reads from bam file
#137 opened by ZYongQi - 1
All zero reads with segfault
#135 opened by dgodin19 - 2
Problem making plots
#133 opened by Gon1976 - 0
Somatic cnv issue
#134 opened by awast - 2
Error: to calculate BAF values
#130 opened - 1
Make graph error
#132 opened by Gon1976 - 1
New release including makeGraph 2.0?
#131 opened by FriederikeHanssen - 0
failed to run segmentation on chr*
#129 opened by ngualand - 4
- 1
no colors in makeGraph2.0.R script
#126 opened by kostasgalexiou - 0
Question about the output of
#125 opened by taoziyu97 - 44
LOH calls on somatic CNVs
#114 opened by dmasoodfda - 3
The problem of FREEC_ratio2Absolute.R
#122 opened by xiasijian - 3
- 4
_ratio.txt output
#117 opened by ashenflower - 0
Error: your BED file with coordinates of targeted regions may contain duplicates.
#120 opened by awast - 0
How to detect LOH?
#119 opened by xiasijian - 5
input for ABSOLUTE for CCF calculation
#118 opened by amootta - 3
- 2
Clarification of a neutral CNV
#115 opened by vucinick - 1
either 'chrFiles' or 'GCcontentProfile' must be set even a normal BAM is provided.
#113 opened by sunjh22 - 2
Error: your BED file with coordinates of targeted regions may contain duplicates Check chromosome 1
#111 opened by nbiqgi - 1
Somatic CNVs
#109 opened by Akazhiel - 7
Issue running FREEC on fungal genome
#110 opened by tania-k - 2
NCBI has different annotation
#108 opened by RochaLAJ - 2
- 3
"freec -conf <config file> -sample <mySample.bam> -control <myControl.bam> " is not used
#105 opened by angeladarling - 0
feature request: Ignore chromosomes not in caputre file instead of failing
#106 opened by FriederikeHanssen - 1
Abnormally low reads used to compute CN profile
#103 opened by WillieYu - 4
Troubles in inferring LOH
#99 opened by Giuseppe1995 - 2
Help with ratio.txt file
#100 opened by merckey - 1
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
#101 opened by wyqhyrz