
XML Sitemap parser class compliant with the Sitemaps.org protocol.

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XML Sitemap parser

An easy-to-use PHP library to parse XML Sitemaps compliant with the Sitemaps.org protocol.

The Sitemaps.org protocol is the leading standard and is supported by Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask and many others.



  • Basic parsing
  • Recursive parsing
  • String parsing
  • Custom User-Agent string
  • Proxy support

Formats supported

  • XML .xml
  • Compressed XML .xml.gz
  • Robots.txt rule sheet robots.txt
  • Line separated text (disabled by default)



The library is available for install via Composer. Just add this to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "vipnytt/sitemapparser": "^1.0"

Then run composer update.

Getting Started

Basic example

Returns an list of URLs only.

use vipnytt\SitemapParser;
use vipnytt\SitemapParser\Exceptions\SitemapParserException;

try {
    $parser = new SitemapParser();
    foreach ($parser->getURLs() as $url => $tags) {
        echo $url . '<br>';
} catch (SitemapParserException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();


Returns all available tags, for both Sitemaps and URLs.

use vipnytt\SitemapParser;
use vipnytt\SitemapParser\Exceptions\SitemapParserException;

try {
    $parser = new SitemapParser('MyCustomUserAgent');
    foreach ($parser->getSitemaps() as $url => $tags) {
        echo 'Sitemap<br>';
        echo 'URL: ' . $url . '<br>';
        echo 'LastMod: ' . $tags['lastmod'] . '<br>';
        echo '<hr>';
    foreach ($parser->getURLs() as $url => $tags) {
        echo 'URL: ' . $url . '<br>';
        echo 'LastMod: ' . $tags['lastmod'] . '<br>';
        echo 'ChangeFreq: ' . $tags['changefreq'] . '<br>';
        echo 'Priority: ' . $tags['priority'] . '<br>';
        echo '<hr>';
} catch (SitemapParserException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();


Parses any sitemap detected while parsing, to get an complete list of URLs

use vipnytt\SitemapParser;
use vipnytt\SitemapParser\Exceptions\SitemapParserException;

try {
    $parser = new SitemapParser('MyCustomUserAgent');
    echo '<h2>Sitemaps</h2>';
    foreach ($parser->getSitemaps() as $url => $tags) {
        echo 'URL: ' . $url . '<br>';
        echo 'LastMod: ' . $tags['lastmod'] . '<br>';
        echo '<hr>';
    echo '<h2>URLs</h2>';
    foreach ($parser->getURLs() as $url => $tags) {
        echo 'URL: ' . $url . '<br>';
        echo 'LastMod: ' . $tags['lastmod'] . '<br>';
        echo 'ChangeFreq: ' . $tags['changefreq'] . '<br>';
        echo 'Priority: ' . $tags['priority'] . '<br>';
        echo '<hr>';
} catch (SitemapParserException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Parsing of line separated text strings

Note: This is disabled by default to avoid false positives when expecting XML, but fetches plain text instead.

To disable strict standards, simply pass this configuration to constructor parameter #2: ['strict' => false].

use vipnytt\SitemapParser;
use vipnytt\SitemapParser\Exceptions\SitemapParserException;

try {
    $parser = new SitemapParser('MyCustomUserAgent', ['strict' => false]);
    foreach ($parser->getSitemaps() as $url => $tags) {
            echo $url . '<br>';
    foreach ($parser->getURLs() as $url => $tags) {
            echo $url . '<br>';
} catch (SitemapParserException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Additional examples

Even more examples available in the examples directory.


Available configuration options, with their default values:

$config = [
    'strict' => true, // (bool) Disallow parsing of line-separated plain text
    'guzzle' => [
        // GuzzleHttp request options
        // http://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/latest/request-options.html
$parser = new SitemapParser('MyCustomUserAgent', $config);

If an User-agent also is set using the GuzzleHttp request options, it receives the highest priority and replaces the other User-agent.