
Atena server is primarily intended to support environmental projects (NAIADES, Water4Cities, PerceptiveSentinel and enviroLENS) and any other projects that develop solutions related to processing sensor and other time-series data, data fusion, time-series prediction and stream mining.

Terminal Environment

It might be that the default terminal shell of a new user is set to sh. This shell works different that for instance bash (the source command does not work, etc). To change the default terminal shell of the user to bash run the following command and restart the terminal:

chsh -s /usr/bin/bash

Data and File System

The 6.9T disk is mounted on /mnt/data.

Use this to:

  • store your files/data
  • docker images
  • backups
  • project-dedicated repos
  • running web services

To store personal data, use /mnt/data/users/username. To store project-related stuff, use /mnt/data/projects/projectname. To store data for running services, use /mnt/data/services/servicename.

File transfer

For file transfer use scp (e. g. WinSCP). For development environment use VS Code with MS extension Remote Development.

Zip and Unzip

For compressing and decompressing files use gzip.

To compress the file or folders:

# -k: keep the uncompressed files (optional)
# -l: get stats how much space was saved (optional)
gzip -k -l file

To decompress the zip file:

# -k: keep the compressed files (optional)
# -l: get stats of decompression (optional)
gunzip -k -l file.gz


Any intended new installation of a software should be reported to Slack. Some utilities are already installed (tmux, git).

Web server

Installed is Apache2 web server. Config location: /etc/apache2. Use sudo apache2ctl for controlling the component (i.e. restarting). Use Apache2 to create proxies and similar.


Version Python Shell Pip command
3.8.2 python3 pip3

Virtual environment is installed. Use it! Documentation is here.


Anaconda3 is installed in /opt/anaconda3.

To use it, you have to change your .bashrc, so that you add the following lines to the end:

# >>> conda initialize >>>
# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
__conda_setup="$('/opt/anaconda3/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    eval "$__conda_setup"
    if [ -f "/opt/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/" ]; then
        . "/opt/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/"
        export PATH="/opt/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
unset __conda_setup
# <<< conda initialize <<<

After this you either re-login into your account or source the .bashrc with source .bashrc. Example of this file is also available on /mnt/data/sw/anaconda.rc, which you can also source with source /mnt/data/sw/anaconda.rc.

You can then use conda create -n myenv. For further details check conda documentation. Virtual environments will be setup within your user. When activated, python and python3 will point to the Anaconda's version of Python. To deactivate conda or a specific conda environment use conda deactivate.


We are using NodeJS Version Manager (nvm) for managing node. Each user has his NodeJS distributions installed on a local account. nvm itself is installed globally and you can invoke it by running source /mnt/data/sw/nvm.rc. Alternatively you can copy the content of /mnt/data/sw/nvm.rc at the end your ~/.bashrc file.

Note: Some users have problems using globally installed nvm. In this case, follow the this link and install it locally for you account.

Table of frequently used nvm commands.

Command Description
nvm ls Lists all currently installed NodeJS versions.
nvm install 12 Installs the latest version of 12.x.y of NodeJS.
nvm install 8.0 Installs the latest version of 8.0.x of NodeJS.
nvm use v12.18.0 Uses the selected version of NodeJS (as listed in nvm ls).
nvm uninstall v12.18.0 Uninstalls the selected version of NodeJS.
nvm deactivate Deactivates the current version of NodeJS.
nvm install --lts Install the latest long-term-support (LTS) version of NodeJS.

Be aware to only install as little NodeJS versions on the system as needed!


Additional documentation is available here. PostgreSQL is installed on a default port. Ask for a username/password or to install additional modules on Slack.

  • Data directory: /mnt/data/postgresql/12/main
  • Start command: sudo systemctl start postgresql
  • Status command: sudo systemctl status postgresql
  • Stop command: sudo systemctl stop postgresql
  • Running psql as default user: sudo -u postgres psql


Not yet installed.


Elasticsearch is a search engine service. Additional documentation is available here. Elasticsearch is installed on a default port (9200). No username and password is required.

Before using elasticsearch, check which indexes are already in use via the following command:

curl http://localhost:9200/_aliases?pretty=true
  • Data directory: /mnt/data/elasticsearch/data
  • Logs directory: /mnt/data/elasticsearch/logs
  • Configuration directory: /etc/elasticsearch
  • Start command: sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service
  • Status command: sudo systemctl status elasticsearch.service
  • Stop command: sudo systemctl stop elasticsearch.service


Kafka is a distributed streaming platform, mainly used as a high-performance messaging system. Kafka was installed using this guide. It uses default ports: 9092 for Kafka and 2181 for Zookeeper.

  • Logs (data) directory: /mnt/data/kafka/logs
  • Installation directory: /home/kafka/kafka/
  • Start command: sudo systemctl start kafka
  • Status command: sudo systemctl status kafka
  • Stop command: sudo systemctl stop kafka

Logging in as kafka user to use command-line utilities: sudo su - kafka. Try running command ~/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic TutorialTopic --from-beginning


Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes. It use used to run the services in production mode and restarts the service if it crashes. It provides various features and can be used through the linux terminal.

Each process requires its own config file in /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ folder (examples of existing services are already available in the folder). The config files documentation is available here.

Once the config file is setup, one can start the process with the following terminal commands (lets say the servies name is service):

  • Reread processes: sudo supervisorctl reread - reads which processes have its own config files
  • Update processes: sudo supervisorctl update - updates the supervisor to take into account new and changed config files
  • Start process: sudo supervisorctl start service
  • End process: sudo supervisorctl stop service
  • Log process: sudo supervisorctl tail -{number} service where {number} is the number of bytes one would like to output, e.g. 5000. Example: sudo supervisorctl tail -5000 service
  • Start all processes: sudo supervisorctl start all
  • End all processes: sudo supervisorctl stop all

Custom services running on Atena

Here are listed all the services running on Atena (including URL/port).

Service Name Description Virtual host Port Caretaker
iot-rapids IoT platform for multiple EU projects (NAIADES, Water4Cities) atena.?.? 80 Klemen
GPS tracking Tracking of GPS devices atena.?.? 8888 Klemen
Zookeeper Kafka Zookeeper localhost 2181 Klemen
Kafka Kafka localhost 9092 Klemen
eLENS miner system Connecting eLENS services atena.?.? 4300 Erik
eLENS text embeddings Creates Text Embeddings Interface atena.?.? 4000 Erik
eLENS text embeddings Creates English Text Embeddings atena.?.? 4001 Erik
eLENS text embeddings Creates Slovene Text Embeddings atena.?.? 4002 Erik
eLENS text embeddings Creates German Text Embeddings atena.?.? 4003 Erik
eLENS text embeddings Creates Greek Text Embeddings atena.?.? 4004 Erik
eLENS document search Searches through legal documents atena.?.? 4100 Erik
eLENS document similarity Calculates document similarity atena.?.? 4200 Erik
NAIADES WatchDog API End-point for NAIADES WatchDog atena.?.? 5001 Mark
NAIADES WatchDog GUI GUI for NAIADES WatchDog atena.?.? 5002 Mark
NAIADES FIWARE adapter End-point for FIWARE for NAIADES atena.?.? 5003 Gal
NAIADES Data Docs server Server for carrying out requests to FIWARE api for NAIADES atena.?.? 5004 Mark
NAIADES Data Docs app GUI for FIWARE data for NAIADES atena.?.? 5005 Mark