
We have to create the entire stack for a factory that produces multiple types of cars

We have to manage:

  • stock
  • manufacturing
  • sales

A client has to be able to come to the sales office, configure the car that he wants, get a quote and find out if the care can be made.


  • based on a defined initial quantity of steel manage parts creation
  • generate additional steel for further parts
  • keep track of steel reserves
  • keep track of stock parts
  • generate parts when needed by the factory
  • answer stock queries
  • generate part and pass it to the factory when requested remove part from actual stock
  • offer possible parts
  • offer estimated time when all parts can be done


  • create mechanism of creating cars
  • answer sales queries if car can be made
  • offer car types and models
  • offer possible options for car
  • query stock before car creation


  • create customer interface for choosing car
  • create customer interface for customizing car
  • get from factory possible configurations
  • get from factory price
  • add margin depending on car brand
  • offer price to customer
  • keep record of previous transactions
  • keep record of ongoing transactions
  • keep record of waiting list
  • in case we have a waiting list prioritize profit