Regarding the model file:
-> Currently, the prediction model will be copied to the image file system if it exists;
	otherwise, the `` script will create it directly in the image if it did not exist.
-> This would not be acceptable in the case of a model which has to be trained,
	but this could be bypassed by storing the model in a cloud location, for the
	script to download (which was not the case in the present task)

Starting the application:
-> docker-compose build [--build-arg LOG_LEVEL=VALUE] classification
	-> `LOG_LEVEL` must have one of the following values: 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR' or 'CRITICAL'
	-> If the build-arg option is not specified or the value provided for `LOG_LEVEL`
		is not one of those described, the default level of 'DEBUG' will be used
-> docker-compose up classification
    The web application is now running on http://localhost:8060

Calling the web-service:
-> From the web browser, visit http://localhost:8060/swagger for viewing the Swagger UI and testing the endpoint
-> From the terminal, use `curl -F image=@fileName http://localhost:8060/classifyImage`
	for classifying the specified file using the VGG 16 classifier