A clone of the game Wordle and a bot that can solve it.
Wordle is a desktop application developed using Win32 API and OpenGL which has support for Windows 7 and higher, available on x86 and x64. The solver uses information theory to give the best guess at all times.
Bot specs:
- Average guesses per word: 4.38214
- Time of processing the entire list of words: aprox. 1h (depending on hardware)
App specs:
- Average CPU consumption: 3% using Intel i7 8th gen 4 cores 8 threads with DDR4 memory
- Average GPU consumption: 15% using Intel UHD Graphics 620
- Constantly exceeds 60 fps on mid tier hardware
- The repo has no modules and there is no recursive submodule cloning required.
- Clone the repo and build using MSVC. We are not using a make system and we are relaying on Visual Studio to compile.
- As long as it finds the WordleBot.exe in the path, the working directory is irrelevant.
For an official copy of the binaries you can go to our github repo where you can find our releases. When you open the app there will be a console in which there are 3 commands available:
- RUN GAME - opens the menu in which the user can play
- RUN BOT - opens the menu in which the bot is playing and there is also a loading bar on the left side
- EXIT - closes the application
If the input in the console in wrong, the outline of the box will have a red flashing animation. Also when playing the game, if the word is not in the database the box will have a wiggle effect.
After running the game or the bot , to go back to the console you need to press the ESC button. If you press ESC in the console menu , the app will close.
The app has fullscreen support, just hit the F11 key.
- Interface update based on the resolution of the client region
- Adaptive refresh rate
- The OS is not allowed to enter sleep while the bot is processing the guesses
- Using 3D accelerated graphics for rendering the interface
- IPC through shared memory
- The API allows custom bot apps (they just have to communicate on the same shared mem space)
- Shell integration, save file dialogue uses the Windows shell
- Portable app, no install required
- Animations with key frames and lerping between them
Team name: HACKxFF
All members are part of group 143.