- Bogdan Vitoc, Christopher Lather, William Fairman
- December 12th, 2018
- Homepage: https://github.com/Bogidon/numerical-solver-for-airflow
We make no claim regarding the accuracy of our approach. This project was our end of year final for our second-year linear algebra class at Olin College. The most we can say is that our figures seem to resemble those we've seen in other places. We welcome any feedback or contributions via GitHub issues (link).
In this project, we apply concepts from vector calculus to find the airflow around any 2-dimensional shape. We make the assumptions that air is an incompressible and irrotational fluid in order to reduce the scope of our project while maintaining a realistic outcome for subsonic air speeds. We use the relaxation algorithm to solve Laplace's equation and ghost points to enforce a Neumann boundary condition at our surface boundary. We succeeded in producing vector-plots and animations visualizing the air velocity around an object.