VIPER McFlurry is a modern framework for implementing VIPER architecture in iOS application. It offers several tools and components that help either start new projects with VIPER or move from MVC.
Also it includes Templates folder with Xcode templates for VIPER modules.
Add to podfile
pod "ViperMcFlurry"
Copy contents of Templates/File Templates folder into ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/File Templates
Rambler&Co team:
- Andrey Zarembo-Godzyatsky /
- Valery Popov /
- Egor Tolstoy /
- Forked VIPER components from internal projects
- Added nil configurator/block support
- Module instantiation improvements
- Added support of module input/output
- Module communication was simplified
- Moved Embed and Cross storyboard segues to separate Pods
- Moving to Github and Cocoapods
This works only for Module with ViewController as View.
- Create Module input protocol for target module inherited from
@protocol SomeModuleInput <RamblerViperModuleInput>
- (void)moduleConfigurationMethod;
- Make Presenter of target module conform to this protocol
- Inject Presenter as moduleInput property of the view. You can skip this step if presenter is a view property with name "output"
- Add Segue from source module ViewController to target module ViewController.
- Inject Source ViewController into Source Router as property "transition handler"
- In Router method call transition handler to open target module with configuration during segue.
[[self.transitionHandler openModuleUsingSegue:SegueIdentifier]
thenChainUsingBlock:^id<RamblerViperModuleOutput>(id<SomeModuleInput> moduleInput) {
[moduleInput moduleConfigurationMethod];
return nil;
- Create Module output protocol for target module inherited from
@protocol SomeModuleOutput <RamblerViperModuleOutput>
- (void)moduleConfigurationMethod;
- Make source module presenter to conform to this protocol
- Add to target module presenter method
- (void)setModuleOutput:(id<RamblerViperModuleOutput>)moduleOutput;
- Return source module presenter from configuration block in router
[[self.transitionHandler openModuleUsingSegue:SegueIdentifier]
thenChainUsingBlock:^id<RamblerViperModuleOutput>(id<SomeModuleInput> moduleInput) {
[moduleInput moduleConfigurationMethod];
return sourceRouterPresenter; // Return of module output
Module factory can be replaced with segues for most cases. Except you need to create complex module or nontrivial module instantiation logic.
- Use
object as module fabric with Typhoon. - Set definition Initializer to
- First parameter is UIStoryboard instance
- Second parameter is RestorationID of ViewController
- Typhoon will initialize module from ViewController.
- Inject this Factory into router
- Call Transition Handler's method
- Second block is place where transition from one to another viewController/transitionHandler should be performed
[[self.transitionHandler openModuleUsingFactory:self.betaModuleFactory
withTransitionBlock:^(id <RamblerViperModuleTransitionHandlerProtocol> sourceModuleTransitionHandler,
id <RamblerViperModuleTransitionHandlerProtocol> destinationModuleTransitionHandler) {
UIViewController *sourceViewController = (id) sourceModuleTransitionHandler;
UIViewController *destinationViewController = (id) destinationModuleTransitionHandler;
[sourceViewController.navigationController pushViewController:destinationViewController
}] thenChainUsingBlock:^id<RamblerViperModuleOutput>(id<RamblerModuleBetaInput> moduleInput) {
[moduleInput configureWithExampleString:exampleString];
return nil;
- In example above one module is pushed to navigation stack of another module
- Modules are linked with intermodule data transfer block