
Collection of IP used in projects

Primary LanguageVHDL


Collection of IP cores. FPGA cores written for fun and random project ideas.


  • Uart Core: Simple UART with focus on small footprint and efficiency (designed for Cyclone-4)
  • Sobel Core: 3x3 FIR filter used for detecting edges in image (designed for Zynq)
  • Single Pulse: Generate single clock pulse
  • Seven Seg: driver for 7-seg display
  • Line buffer: FIFO like buffer for buffering single line of image
  • Image generator: Convert JPEG image into .coe file. Used for generating test image generator
  • SPI core: Simple SPI core (designed for Cyclone-4)
  • SD-ram: Simple DRAM HW core (designed for Cyclone-4)
  • ESP: work in progress (connect FPGA with ESP32)