Pseudo-3D road with random curves and hills
Pseudo-3D (or 2.5D) perspective creates the illsuion of environment with three dimensions by using two-dimensional plane.
The program renders random pseudo-3d road with random curves and hills.
Tested under Ubuntu 20.04.
- GNU GCC Compiler with C++14 support
- SFML 2.5.1
Clone the repository
git clone
Run make command
Run the executable app in the bin folder.
- Up key: increase speed
- Down key: decrease speed
- A key: move camera to the left
- D key: move camera to the right
- W key: increase camera's height
- S key: decrease camera's height
- ] key: increase movement's delta
- [ key: decrease movement's delta
- R key: increase Field Of View (FOV)
- F key: decrease Field Of View (FOV)
Main resources I used for creating the program: