
OpenClassrooms Project 7 - FullStack social network (MERN)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


OpenClassrooms Project 7 - FullStack Social network (MERN)

For this project, I have to build an entire social network from scratch (BACK-END and FRONT-END).

I will soon deploy it on :

Backend Heroku

Frontend Vercel

I took time to write the cleanest code possible :

  • Easy to read
  • Easy to maintain
  • Scalable

Performance as been improved :

  • All images are compressed in .webp
  • Images are linked and unlinked from the server as the user
    • delete or update post/profile picture

I took care of all the design (inspire by Memphis design) and be carefull about accessibility and of course responsive.

Functionalities :


  • Signup / Login
  • Post messages / comments
  • Like messages / comments
  • Update profile and messages
  • Delete messages and comments


  • Update messages
  • Delete messages and comments

Stack: MERN

  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • React + SASS
  • Node


How to connect :

Clone / download the code on the main branch


Open your terminal and go the /frontend folder.

Run npm install to install all required dependencies.

Run npm start to start the interface on your browser (PORT 3000).


Open your terminal and go to the /backend folder.

Run npm install to install all required dependencies.

Run npm start to start the server and connect to the data base (PORT 4000).


  • email: admin@admin.com
  • password: admin123!