
A jQuery plugin for hanging punctuation

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A small jQuery plugin to enable hanging punctuation[1], an advanced
typographic feature. Elements are only exdented, if they are at the
beginning of a line. The plugin changes the boring

             "Lorem  ipsum  dolor  sit  amet, consectetuer
             adipiscing elit. Ut a sapien. Aliquam aliquet
             purus  molestie  dolor. Integer  quis eros ut
             erat posuere dictum.

to this:

            "Lorem  ipsum  dolor  sit  amet,  consectetuer
             adipiscing elit. Ut a sapien. Aliquam aliquet
             purus  molestie  dolor. Integer  quis eros ut
             erat posuere dictum.

You can customize the plugin to fit your exdentation needs:

    $('blockquote, q').exdent({
      by: '.5em'

This exdents both <blockquote> and <q>  by  0.5em.  Apart from that
you can use jQuery's CSS function to set exdentation:

    $('q').css('exdent', '.5em');

See [2] for a demo and [3] for issues.


O p t i o n s :

jQuery.exdent understands these option parameters:

- by  (String):  the width  by which to exdent,  this is a positive
- detect (Boolean or String): whether to autodetect the exdentation
  width (will ignore "width").  If a string is given,  this is used
  for detection, otherwise an english opening quote, U+201C.
- className  (String):  class  to  add  to  /  remove from exdented


Note: Don't confuse this with jQuery.extend. ;-)


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanging_punctuation
[2] http://boldewyn.github.com/jQuery.exdent/
[3] https://github.com/Boldewyn/jQuery.exdent/issues