
Java point and click game based on the game programming course teachings, and utilizes the Java 2D API and custom loaded resources. University of the West Indies, STA, Computer Science, Game Programming.

Primary LanguageJava

Missile Defense Command

Welcome to one of my COMP 3609 Game Programming projects! This game was designed using the teachings of the COMP 3609 gaming programming course as well as in conjunction with the Java 2D API. The story follows a city that is under attack following the start of World War V. As the protagonist, you operate a laser cannon in defense of the city and must use it to destroy as many missiles as possible before they impact the city.

Completed on 19th March 2022, and uploaded to GitHub on 12th October 2023 to be archived.


  • Ensure Java Development Kit is installed.
  • Navigate to the root directory of the project.
  • Open a terminal within the directory and enter the following:
javac GameApplication.java -Xlint:unchecked
  • Once compiled, enter the following:
java GameApplication 
  • Enjoy!


The following is a list of features that are implemented into the game:

  • Score tracking.
  • Dynamically increasing difficulty based on score.
  • Limited lives.
  • Bonuses that give you additional lives.


  • The player takes control of the cannon using the mouse, and shoots by clicking.





Image FX:

  • DisintegrateFX by The P. Mohan, 2022
  • RotateFX by The P. Mohan, 2022