
Script to make offsite backups of Heroku databases to a remote server using SSH

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Simple heroku app with a bash script for capturing heroku database backups, compressing, encrypting and copying to a remote server. Deploy this as a separate app within heroku and schedule the script to backup your production databases which exist within another heroku project.


First, clone this project, then change directory into the newly created directory:

git clone https://github.com/BoletoSimples/heroku-database-offsite-backups.git
cd heroku-database-offsite-backups

Create a project on heroku.

heroku create my-database-backups

Add the heroku-buildpack-cli:

heroku buildpacks:add https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-cli -a  my-database-backups

Add the heroku-buildpack-apy:

heroku buildpacks:add https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-apt -a  my-database-backups

Next push this project to your heroku projects git repository.

heroku git:remote -a my-database-backups
git push heroku master

Now we need to set some environment variables in order to get the heroku cli working properly using the heroku-buildpack-cli.

heroku config:add HEROKU_API_KEY=`heroku auth:token` -a my-database-backups

This creates a token that will quietly expire in one year. To create a long-lived authorization token instead, do this:

heroku config:add HEROKU_API_KEY=`heroku authorizations:create -S -d my-database-backups` -a my-database-backups

We recommend to create a specific user on Heroku and give permissions to that user to all apps you want to backup. Eg: backup@yourcompany.com

Next we need to add the server and path where we would like to store our database backups:

heroku config:add TARGET_SERVER_PATH=root@server-host:/path_to_backup -a my-database-backups

Then we need to add the ssh key to be used to connect to remote server.

heroku config:add SSH_KEY="`cat myssh.key`" -a my-database-backups

We also need to configure the Encryption. Set the encryption key to be used on final backup files.

heroku config:add ENCRYPTION_KEY="`openssl rand -base64 32`" -a my-database-backups

ATTENTION: Remember to save this key on your password manager, otherwise you will not be able to recover the backup file!

You can skip encryption by setting NOENCRYPT="true".

Finally, we need to add heroku scheduler and call backup.sh on a regular interval with the appropriate database and app.

heroku addons:create scheduler -a my-database-backups

Now open it up, in your browser with:

heroku addons:open scheduler -a my-database-backups

And add the following command to run as often as you like:


Install heroku-pg-extras if needed:

heroku plugins:install heroku-pg-extras --app=my-database-backups

You need to setup heroku's scheduled backups on all your apps. This script do not capute backups, it only download the latest available backup made by Heroku scheduled backup.


You can add a HEARTBEAT_URL to the script so a request gets sent every time a backup is made. All you have to do is add the variable value like:

heroku config:add HEARTBEAT_URL=https://hearbeat.url -a my-database-backups

You can specify the apps you want to backup, instead of backing up all available apps for the user whose token was used.

heroku config:add APPS=app-name-1,app-name-2 -a my-database-backups


The default timezone is UTC. To use your preferred timezone in the filename timestamp, set the TZ variable when calling the command:

TZ=America/Los_Angeles /app/bin/backup.sh


This project was forked from https://github.com/kbaum/heroku-database-backups

Many thanks for Karl Baum, the author for the original script.