A voice assistant 🗣️ which can be used to interact with your computer 💻 and controls your pc operations 🎛️
- adityathakurxd@100mslive
- akhilam512Daily
- aksHITa47
- anaghkanungo7New York, NY
- Ankith-Suravarapu
- anoura12Pune, Maharashtra
- arungovindm2001Kaiburr
- autoolChina
- bistcuite@agomlabs
- clederOomnitza
- cynthiakonar
- ekagrashuklaWizni Inc.
- evlyou666WorldBalancer
- ExcalizanTurkey
- hannahljohnson
- harshithpabbati@daily-co @amfoss
- iampranavdhar@amfoss
- irbySouth Carolina
- kenchuHong Kong
- krishkavya@amfoss
- lakshmi-warrier@amfoss
- lazyCodes7@amfoss @Polymerize
- malevolentstrixMilky Way
- ManuInDenWolkenGermany
- mguentner@cmdscale
- muhammadahmad02
- NishanDhungana
- preetamkamal
- quent01
- rumputliar
- shiva-sandupatla@BlockySite
- ShivangiSingh17@amfoss
- Srujan3112@confluentinc
- subeep
- Vansh186
- yashk2000@AssemblyAI