
Watch the chain and enforce covenants

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


This is a daemon that connects to Elements via RPC and ZMQ or an Esplora REST API and watches the chain for claimable covenants of Boltz swaps and broadcasts them.


The latest stable version of Rust is required to build covclaim.

cargo build --release


The configuration of covclaim is in the .env file.


To register a new reverse swap the daemon should watch for:

POST /covenant

With these values in the request body:

  "claimPublicKey": "<public key of the user>",
  "refundPublicKey": "<public key of Boltz>",
  "preimage": "<preimage of the swap>",
  "blindingKey": "<blinding key of the lockup address of the swap>",
  "address": "<address to which the covenant should be claimed>",
  "tree": "<the swapTree of the response when creating the swap as object>"