
Kanban task management web app

Primary LanguageVue


Kanban is a full stack task managegement web application that allows users to create, read, update and delete boards, tasks.

This is a challenge from FrontendMentor.


This was built with love 💚 and deployed on Vercel ⚡️. Click me to view the project 🔗


This was built using the Technology Stack of Dreams - Nuxt 3, Supabase and Typescript. Other notable mentions are SCSS (BEM methodology), VueDraggableNext, Pinia.


This is pretty much packed with every basic feature of a kanban board

  1. Authentication:

    • Sign in/Sign up with Google or Email and Password
    • Reset and Change password
  2. CRUD

    • Create, read, update and delete boards
    • Create, read, update and delete columns
    • Create, read, update and delete tasks and subtasks
  3. Miscellaneous

    • Light/dark mode
    • Drag and drop for reordering of tasks and changing of their order

What I've learnt

During the course of this project, I've learnt and practised to

  • Break down the entire project into components for reusability purposes
  • Embrace SCSS more
  • Work more with Supabase


During the project, I had issues with motivation and hence I had to drop off the project a couple times. I also had a tiny bit of trouble with deeply nested foreign tables in Supabase.