A Chat with taxi drivers in your area
A Telegram Bot token from BotFather
A Token from openrouteservice.org to reverse the gps to an adress
A MySQL/MariaDB server
Create a database user for this bot with the permissions to creat a new DB and native_password
clone this repositorie
rename .env.example to .env
modify .env
npm i
npm run db
node ./index.js
You need to be registerd with /start, then simply chance your permissions "user" to "admin" in the database.
Create a new file in ./language
For example fr.json for French
Next, you need to following functions in ./src/telegram.js
At the import:
const i18n = new I18n(__dirname + '/../languages', ['en', 'de', 'tr', 'fr'], 'de');
In /start and /language event
let replyMarkup = bot.inlineKeyboard([
bot.inlineButton(i18n.translate(FirstLang, 'language.de'), {callback: `${msg.from.id}_Clang_de`}),
bot.inlineButton(i18n.translate(FirstLang, 'language.en'), {callback: `${msg.from.id}_Clang_en`})
bot.inlineButton(i18n.translate(FirstLang, 'language.tr'), {callback: `${msg.from.id}_Clang_tr`}),
bot.inlineButton(i18n.translate(FirstLang, 'language.fr'), {callback: `${msg.from.id}_Clang_fr`})
You also need to add your new language to all other .json files in the language part
Example for de.json since thats the fallback for this bot
"language": {
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "Englisch",
"tr": "Türkisch",
"fr": "Französisch"