
Primary LanguageCSSGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

VW-Events Manager

Any user can create Events via a simple form on the webpage, you and others can verify the events in a telegram chat
all Events will be listet on the webpage. You can also request events via the buildin API by a simple http request


clone this repo
setup a MYSQL Server
npm i
edit .env with your information node setup
create ./data/Admins.json and wirte:

{"Admins":[Your Telegram ID],"AdminsName":["Your Telegram Username"]}

node ./src/index.js


please use apache2, nginx or any other webserver The API uses express as webserver but it needs to be proxyed!

The API should be api.your-domain.tld on port 443 and proxyed to localhost:(The Port you set in .env)

The main webfolder is ./src/Web, on first startup it will create index.html based on ./data/Vorlage.html
please edit the POST API call there in line 63 (./data/Vorlage.html) to your domain!
please edit the GET API call there in line 34 (./src/Web/suche.html)to your domain!


The API is avaible at api.your-domain.tld/api/v1/VWTreffen it has 2 functions:
POST to create a new event, it needs to be verifyed by an admin!

Eventname: Event name (STRING,REQUIRED)
Eventart: Event type, those are preset in VWTreffen Plugin config! (NUMBER,REQUIRED)
Date: Date of the event day (STRING,REQUIRED)
Time: Time (24h clock) when the event will start (STRING,REQUIRED)
Adresse: Event location (STRING,REQUIRED)
URL: Event webpage (URI,OPTIONAL)
Beschreibung: Short event discription max 1024 chars (STRING,REQUIRED)

GET to get all events

limit: to limit the results  (NUMBER,OPTIONAL)
timestamp: UNIX Timestamp to get results after that  (NUMBER,OPTIONAL)
eventname: Used to filter by Name (STRING,OPTIONAL)

example: api.your-domain.tld/api/v1/VWTreffen?limit=5 will return 5 events (If there are 5 or more events in the database!)

The API has buildin error handeling and will return wrong information.
Error codes used:

400: Something in your request was wrong, it will have a message or error string with more information
429: You are rate limited, default is 5 requests evers 15 minutes per IP
500: No data to send back
503: Internal Server error, maybe the database isn´t available

Licence of the HTML5 template used

Hyperspace by HTML5 UP html5up.net | @ajlkn Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license)

So I've had the wireframe for this particular design kicking around for some time, but with all the other interesting (and in some cases, semi-secret) projects I've been working on it took me a little while to get to actually designing and coding it. Fortunately, things have eased up enough for me to finaly get around to it, so I'm happy to introduce Hyperspace: a fun, blocky, one-page design with a lot of color, a bit of animation, and an additional "generic" page template (because hey, even one-page sites usually need an interior page or two). Hope you dig it :)

Demo images* courtesy of Unsplash, a radtastic collection of CC0 (public domain) images you can use for pretty much whatever.

(* = not included)

AJ aj@lkn.io | @ajlkn


Demo Images:
	Unsplash (unsplash.com)

	Font Awesome (fontawesome.io)

	jQuery (jquery.com)
	Scrollex (github.com/ajlkn/jquery.scrollex)
	Responsive Tools (github.com/ajlkn/responsive-tools)