LAB Exam: Instruction

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test-filter-items project

prepares product data in ./data/product.js as follows:

itemList Requirement

Given itemList(userItems) function that contains one constant variable and three nested functions to filter for products. You must write three nested functions to work when a user inputs keywords, your item list must change dynamically according to a user’s keyword values.

Constant Variables:

  • items: assign userItems parameter to initial items

Nested Functions:

  • initalPage() adding filterItemsHandler() function to <input type="text" /> with event 'input'. Then calling showItems() function to show list of all items as default when firstly loading page.

  • filterItemsHandler() filtering an array of items that contains user’s keywords with case insensitive. Then calling showItems() function by sending filtered array as parameter.

  • showItems(items) accepting array of items and show them dynamically. You must remove previous ’s item list. Then creating <li> elements for each single item under <ul id="items"></ul>. Each <li> element contains a text content 'ID:product id, NAME:product name, KEYWORDS:product keywords'

    • for example, 'ID:GGOEAFKA087499, NAME:Android Small Removable Sticker Sheet', KEYWORDS:Android Small Removable Sticker Sheet, android stickers, sticker sheets, removable sticker sheets, small sticker sheet, android small sticker sheets, Android Sheet'.
    • Note that there is one white space after comma (,) between ID, NAME, and KEYWORDS.

Test Structures

  • test('output#1: initialPage (show all items)')
  • test('output#2: showItem (default page)')
  • test('output#3: filterItemsHandler')
  • test('output#4: showItems (only contain user keywords)')

Screen Capture Outputs

initial page filtering with keyword 'h' filtering with keyword 'ha' filtering with keyword 'happy'