GameScene Assets and Properties Guide


This guide provides detailed information about the assets and properties used in the GameScene class for a Phaser game project. Each asset's name, file path, origin, scale, position, and specific animations or functions are explained.

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Background Elements

  1. Background (bg)

    • Path: assets/image/game-scene/background/background-dark.png
    • Origin: (0, 0)
    • Scale: Default
    • Position: (0, 0)
  2. Background Layer 1 (bgLayer1)

    • Path: assets/image/game-scene/background/bg-dark-layer1.png
    • Origin: (0, 0)
    • Scale: Default
    • Position: (0, 0)
  3. Background Layer 2 (bgLayer2)

    • Path: assets/image/game-scene/background/bg-dark-layer2.png
    • Origin: (0, 0)
    • Scale: Default
    • Position: (0, 0)

Cloud Platforms

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  1. Cloud 1 (cloud1)

    • Path: assets/image/game-scene/platforms/cl-long.png
    • Origin: (0, 1)
    • Scale: 0.6
    • Position: (100, 500)
  2. Cloud 2 (cloud2)

    • Path: assets/image/game-scene/platforms/cl.png
    • Origin: (1, 1)
    • Scale: 0.6
    • Position: (1240, 330)
  3. Cloud 3 (cloud3)

    • Path: assets/image/game-scene/platforms/cl-long2.png
    • Origin: (0, 1)
    • Scale: 0.6
    • Position: (200, 200)

Animated Sakura

  • Sakura (sakura)
    • Path: assets/image/game-scene/spritesheets/sakuraAnim.png
    • Origin: (0.5, 1)
    • Scale: 0.6
    • Position: (890, 660)
    • Animation Key: sakuraAnim
    • Frames: From 0 to 5
    • Frame Rate: 5
    • Repeat: Infinite Loop

Platform Base

  • Platform Base (platformBase)
    • Path: assets/image/game-scene/platforms/platform-long4.png
    • Origin: (0.5, 1)
    • Position: (640, 730)


  • Player (player)
    • Path: assets/image/_dev/ufo.png
    • Origin: (0.5, 0.5)
    • Scale: 0.05
    • Position: (460, 360)
    • Size: (2000, 1000)

Update Function

  • The update() function in GameScene continuously moves the background layers horizontally to create a parallax effect.
    • Background: Moves at a speed of 0.03
    • Background Layer 1: Moves at a speed of 0.07
    • Background Layer 2: Moves at a speed of 0.1

Result preview
