
BondMachine main repo

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a mouldable computer architecture

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The BondMachine (BM) is a new kind of computer architecture radically different from the ones usually found in today's computers.

The main feature of The BondMachine is that its processors forms an heterogeneous set of computing units where each of them can be configured and specialized to do a specific task implementing different architectures based on the specific problem.

Unlike standard architectures where software has to fit processors static constraints, within The BondMachine the architecture itself is build around the problem prior to creating the software. The result is a reduction of the gap between hardware and software.

BondMachines can be created in several ways: manually with its building tools, with a set of API that target specific problems and with a set of higher level tools that can create architectures from a description of the problem. These tools range from an assembler and a dedicated compiler to a set of application that can be used to map Machine Learning and Quantum Computing problems to the architecture.

BondMachines can be connected together with a custom ethernet protocol called etherbond. Distributed clusters of heterogeneous multi-core can be built this way.

Ultimately the produced BondMachines can be simulated, used as computer applications or translated to RTL code and used in hardware (for example using FPGAs).

Strictly speaking The BondMachine is not only the architecture itself but also all the other technologies developed to make all of this possible. It is ultimately a computing ecosystem made of several components.