
Optimized CUDA Version of the Parallel Bond Fluctuation Model

Primary LanguageC++


git clone --recursive https://github.com/mxmlnkn/pscbfm.git
cd pscbfm && mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCUDA_ARCH:STRING=35 && make -j 2

Tested with:

  • GIT 1.7.1, GNU make 3.8.1, CMake 3.9.0, g++ 5.3.0, CUDA 9.0.176
  • GIT 1.7.1, GNU make 3.8.1, CMake 3.3.1, g++ 4.8.0, CUDA 7.0.28
  • Does not work with gcc older than 4.8.0, because those versions can't cope with some initializer lists. See also CMake cxx_generalized_initializers.
  • Does not work with gcc older than 4.7.0, because -std=c++11 was added in 4.7.0

Note that Fermie compute_20 is deprecated since CUDA 9.

In order to understand what is behind the CMake procedure you can also try to compile the main program manually with:

cd build
CCOPTS='-Xcompiler -Wall,-Wextra,-O3,-msse2,-mssse3,-fexpensive-optimizations -DNDEBUG -std=c++11'
INCLUDES='-I../extern -isystem ../extern/LeMonADE/include '
nvcc $INCLUDES $CCOPTS -c -o mainCUDASimulatorGPUScBFM_AB_Type.cpp.o ../src/pscbfm/mainCUDASimulatorGPUScBFM_AB_Type.cpp
nvcc $INCLUDES $CCOPTS -c -o UpdaterGPUScBFM_AB_Type.cu.o -Xcompiler -fPIC -gencode arch=compute_30,code=sm_30 ../src/pscbfm/UpdaterGPUScBFM_AB_Type.cu
nvcc $CCOPTS -o pscbfm mainCUDASimulatorGPUScBFM_AB_Type.cpp.o UpdaterGPUScBFM_AB_Type.cu.o -L../extern/LeMonADE/lib --cudart static -lpthread -ldl -lrt -lLeMonADE -lcuda -Xcompiler -static-libstdc++,-static-libgcc

You can try a test run with e.g.:

./pscbfm -i ../tests/inputPscBFM.bfm -e ../tests/resultNormPscBFM.seeds -o result.bfm -m 10000 -s 10000

A more extensive test routine is available with checkSc in ``. E.g. to benchmark and profile everything on Taurus do:

. ../src/pscbfm/testCorrectness.sh
checkSc -b -p --force-compile --folder "$folder" --batchjob-prefix 'srun --cpu-freq=highp1 --gpufreq=2505:692' --arch 35 "$benchmark"

See also benchmarkK80.pbs. Most options are optional: on a system without the need for SLURM or PBS, you might already have success with checkSc, which only runs the simulation once checking for the correctness, checkSc -b, which runs the simulation multiple times to get a statistic for the manual counters, or with check -p, which does all the above and also creates extensive and time expensive profiling data files.

Known Bugs

When g++ 7 is installed and used:

/usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/SimulatorCUDAGPUScBFM_AB_Type.dir/src/pscBFMLegacy/SimulatorCUDAGPUScBFM_AB_Type_generated_UpdaterGPUScBFM_AB_Type.cu.o: relocation R_X86_64_32S against '.bss' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Nonrepresentable section on output


  • Add -fPIC to CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS in CMakeLists.txt. Can't say since which version this error started appearing

Compilation of graphColoring.h fails:

/sw/taurus/libraries/cuda/7.0.28/bin/nvcc ~/mt-progwork/src/pscBFMLegacy/UpdaterGPUScBFM_AB_Type.cu -c -o ~/mt-progwork/build/CMakeFiles/SimulatorCUDAGPUScBFM_AB_Type.dir/src/pscBFMLegacy/./SimulatorCUDAGPUScBFM_AB_Type_generated_UpdaterGPUScBFM_AB_Type.cu.o -ccbin /sw/global/compilers/gcc/4.9.1/bin/gcc -m64 -Xcompiler ,\"-Wall\",\"-Wextra\",\"-O3\",\"-msse2\",\"-mssse3\",\"-fexpensive-optimizations\",\"-DNDEBUG\" -std=c++11 -lineinfo -gencode arch=compute_35,code=sm_35 -Xcompiler -fPIC -DNVCC -I/sw/taurus/libraries/cuda/7.0.28/include -I~/mt-progwork/extern/LeMonADE/include -I/sw/taurus/libraries/cuda/7.0.28/include
~/mt-progwork/src/pscBFMLegacy/graphColoring.h:19:17: error: default argument for template parameter for class enclosing ‘<lambda>’
         []( T_Neighbors const & x, T_Id const & i ){ return x[i].size(); },


  • works with 4.9.3, but not with 4.9.1
  • for sake of easier use this works now for older compilers by not providing default functors

Changing the major compiler version leads to problems:

  • LeMonADE needs to be built with the same version of g++, e.g. when compiling LeMonADE with g++ 5, but pscbfm with g++ 4.9, segfaults which are very time-consuming to track down will appear because of ABI incompatibilities.
  • CMake doesn't yet automatically check for this and rebuild LeMonADE if it finds it uses a different version


  • Remake LeMonADE with the current compiler version: cd extern/LeMonADE/; rm -r build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake -DINSTALLDIR_LEMONADE=.. DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.. ..; make install
  • You can also just delete the built library and call cmake again to let it rebuild LeMonADE automatically as long as the PULL_LEMONADE option is set to ON: rm ../extern/LeMonADE/lib/libLeMonADE.a; cmake ..