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Non-face-to-face psychological counseling service using AI human

  • Purpose of the project

    • Establishing a business plan using an Facial Expression Recognition classification model
    • Non-face-to-face psychological counseling treatment
    • Relieves social isolation by feeling like talking to real people
  • A major customer base

    1. A person with social phobia
    2. A person with depression
    3. Elder who lives alone
    4. someone in need of a conversation

Dev env

IDE GPU Programing Language
VSCode A100 GPU Python


  • .streamlit : Folder used for streamlit
  • archive: EDA, data pre-processing
  • config_f: Auto-training config folder
  • contents : source
  • docs: documents, images, reports
  • models: models
  • tools : Other Architectures
  • utils : Metric and other files
  • requirements.txt: required libraries and packages
  • trainer.py: main train&test logics

download pt, pth file

How to Run & Debug

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt to install required packages
  2. download pt, pth file and best.pt save "./archive/models/yolo/pt/bt" and other save "./tools/Wav2Lip/chechpoints"
  3. streamlit run main.py
  4. Drag image to sidebar uploading
  5. And Try Psychological counseling


  1. Image data AI Hub::한국인 감정인식을 위한 복합 영상
  • Face photo by each emotion (joy, panic, anger, anxiety, hurt, sadness, neutral)
  • Total number of data: 500,000 source data
    • Train Data Count: 14000=2000*7
    • Test Data Count: 70000=1000*7
  1. llm data
  • Psychological counseling paper in severance hospital


  1. Classifying pain as a psychological and expression of physical pain.
    • Psychological pain was similar to a sad expression, so it was judged that it was difficult to discern from sadness.
  2. Learn 14000 by classifying it into train and validation in an 8:2 ratio, respectively.

image image


You can check the list at config.py

  1. List of Neural Network models used to train models (total:18)

    • alexnet
    • convnext_tiny
    • densenet121
    • efficientnet_v2_s
    • googlenet
    • inception_v3
    • mnasnet0_5
    • mobilenet_v3_large
    • resnet18
    • resnet34
    • resnet50
    • resnet101
    • vgg11_bn
    • vgg13_bn
    • vgg16_bn
    • vit_b_16
    • swin_t
    • custom
  2. Finally selected neural network models (total:10)

  • Select by considering the appropriate model and performance for the chatbot
    • Yolo v8
    • AlexNet
    • DenseNet121
    • EfficientNet
    • VGG
    • ResNet
    • ViT
    • swin_t
    • MobileNet
    • Custom model


  • we chose the YOLO with the fastest and the highest accuracy

    image image
  • prams : 3.2M
  • Accuracy: 69%



Psychological counseling chatbot image image image image image image
