
This is an assessment I did for the role of a NodeJS backend developer at Summitech

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This is an assessment I did for the role of a NodeJS backend developer at Summitech

Software Engineer Assessment

This application is built with the following technologies:

  1. NodeJS(v16.13.2)
  2. MYSQL(5.1.0)
  3. Font-awesome(4.7.0)
  4. NPM version 8.1.2

This is how you can install this application

  1. Clone this Repository(Repo) with the following command git clone https://github.com/Bonifaceebuka/summitech-node-developer-test.git
  2. Move to the DIR of the Repo cd summitech-node-developer-test
  3. Install the necessary NPM packages with npm install
  4. Save .env.example file as .env or run this command: cp .env.example .env
  5. Open the .env file and set the Database configurations as follows:
    DB_PASSWORD=YOUR_DATABASE_PASSWORD (Leave it empty if you have none)
  6. Import the database tables using summitech_inventory_db.sql file in 'db' folder of this project
  7. Start your server with npm run dev

About the API documentation

The complete API documentation for this project is published on Postman. You can access it using this link https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/16611684/2s935kNkPr