python code for reading and creating HYSPLIT input files as well as processing HYSPLIT output files.
- ashapp directory contains code for creating HYSPLIT runs. Dependencies on utilvolc and utilhysplit.
- utilvolc directory contains code specific to volcanic ash applications. Dependencies on utilhysplit.
- utilhysplit directory contains general utilities for working with HYSPLIT.
- utilml directory contains code which has dependency on the sklearn module
- utiltesting contains tests contains classes and functions for writing and reading HYSPLIT input files, CONTROL, SETUP.CFG and ASC.CFG creates time of arrival charts. Needs a concentration (cdump) file as input. Optional input is CONTROL file.
UPDATES 3/25/2019 A lot of development was moved to other repositories including monet. Now, some of it has been moved back. The models directory was changed to the utilhysplit directory and most of the functional code is now there.
5/8/2020 was moved to monetio
6/11/2020 Added utilvolc folder: contains utilities for volcano hysplit applications and volcat data manipulation
11/5/2022 start with new conda environment to look at dependencies. install xarray, cartopy, shapely, netCDF4, lxml, seaborn dask dependency in monetio. removed everything in the the in monetio.obs directory so don't need dask.