
Share your ACTUAL game console activity on Discord!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

English|日本語 (Japanese)

Game Console Activity to Discord

Share your ACTUAL game console activity on Discord!


Check whether your game consoles on your local network is active or not and make it able to see it with your Discord's profile.



Supported Game Consoles

This app supported most of the game consoles which will automatically connect to the internet.
Such as...

  • Nintendo Switch
  • Nintendo 3DS
  • PS3
  • PS4

Easy Setup (Japanese)

Setup Video

Discordにゲーム機のステータスを出すアプリ作りました - YouTube

Releases (Download)

Build for windows

Pre-configure for Mac/Linux and other OS

  1. This app will work for OS which can use Python3 and Discord native app.
  2. Install python3
  3. Run git clone https://github.com/BonyChops/Game-Console-Activity-to-Discord.git to download this repository.
  4. cd Game-Console-Activity-to-Discord
  5. Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install package.
    (If you are using Windows, please run pip3 install -r requirements-win.txt instead of it.)
  6. Done! Go on to the next section: Setup for windows (and also for other os)

Setup for Windows (and other OS)

  1. If you are using not Windows, you have to do this first.
  2. Run config.exe (config.py) to start configuration.
  3. Add your console infomation
    Here is some example...
Which language? (English=en, 日本語=ja): en
[0] Add new console
[1] Delete console
[2] Exit

Type number [0-2]?

Select your Game Console!
[0] Nintendo Switch
[1] Nintendo 3DS
[2] PS3
[3] PS4
[4] Others

Type number [0-4]?
Type IP address of your console!
[Nintendo Switch] IP

[0] Add new console
[1] Delete console
[2] Exit

Type number [0-2]?

You have to realise what is your IP address of your consoles.
If your console is Nintendo Switch, you can find it here

  • [Settings] - [Internet] - [Connection Status] - [IP Address]
  • [設定] - [インターネット] - [接続状況] - [IPアドレス]
  1. Done! Easy-peasy!
  2. Run start.exe (start.py). It will change your Discord profile automatically.

Run app automatically when you booted up pc (Win only)

Just run startup.exe
It don't require admin rights.


qwertyquerty/pypresence - Github
