
Adds oDesk API support to Flask.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause



  • flask
  • python-odesk
  • python-oauth2


Quick start

Before you may use oDesk APIs, you will need to obtain your pair of API keys. Visit the oDesk API Center documentation for full details. Please note, that Flask-oDesk uses authorization via OAuth and it needs keys with auth type "OAuth".

Please make sure, that SECRET_KEY which is necessary for sessions, based on the secure cookies, is indicated in settings.py:

SECRET_KEY = '(your random secret key)'

You need to store your pair of oDesk API keys in settings.py:

ODESK_KEY = '(your oDesk public key)'
ODESK_SECRET = '(your oDesk secret key)'

You can also set the list of teams in settings.py, which will be able to authorize. If you do not specify this option or leave the list empty, then all oDesk users will be able to authorize:

ODESK_AUTH_TEAMS = ('odesk:odeskpsbootcamp',)

Please make sure, that you have registered odesk module in your app.py correctly. Please keep in mind, that url_prefix can be whatever you like:

from flask import Flask
from flaskext.odesk import odesk

app = Flask(__name__)
app.register_module(odesk, url_prefix='/odesk')

Using authorization

Please use the decorator login_required to close the access for anonymous users to the certain parts of your website:

def admin():
    return "Welcome, oDesk user!"

If you want to indicate login or logout links in the template, than you can use url_for function and odesk_is_authorized variable:

{% if odesk_is_authorized %}
  <a href="{{ url_for('odesk.logout') }}">Log out</a>
{% else %}
  <a href="{{ url_for('odesk.login') }}">oDesk log in</a>
{% endif %}

To check the authorization of the current user you can use is_authorized method:

def test():
    if odesk.is_authorized():
        return "You are authorized."
        return "You are not authorized yet."

If you need, you can start the authorization process manually from your code:

if not odesk.is_authorized():
    return odesk.login()

You can also use next parameter to indicate URL, where will be redirect after the authorization process ends:

if not odesk.is_authorized():
    return odesk.login(next='/blah/blah')

You can use logout method for user's logging out. Please pay attention, that unlike login this method do not return the bulk of redirects. It simply deletes the OAuth session. You should return response manually:

if odesk.is_authorized():
    return redirect('/')

If you want to expand autorization process, you can use after_login decorator, that indicates your function, which will be called after successfully authorization:

def save_session():
    # Getting current user's data. Please, see below how to use the Client.
    session['user'] = odesk.get_client().hr.get_user('me')

If you have used after_login and saved something to the session, please, do not forget to delete this session after logging out, using decorator after_logout:

def delete_session():
    if 'user' in session:
        del session['user']

Using client

You can use get_access_token method to get the current access token and access token secret, that can be stored in DB and used for access to the client later, if necessary:

if odesk.is_authorized():
    access_token, access_token_secret = odesk.get_access_token()

You can use get_client method to get the client:

if odesk.is_authorized():
    c = odesk.get_client()

Or you can use the client even if the current user is not authorized, but you have the access token and access token secret:

if not odesk.is_authorized():
    c = odesk.get_client(access_token, access_token_secret)