
Provides persistant state (back and forward button support) for Bootstrap tabs

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


npm version

Provides pushState (back and forward button support) to Bootstrap tabs



type npm install jquery-stickytabs --save to install the library via NPM


type bower install jquery-stickytabs --save to install the library via bower


Run this in document ready or some equivalent initializer on your page:


Where nav-tabs is the default class for the bootstrap tabs feature.


The following options are available to pass to jquery-stickytabs on instantiation


$(function() {
	var options = { 
		selectorAttribute: "data-target",
		backToTop: true
	$('.nav-tabs').stickyTabs( options );
option default description
selectorAttribute false Override the default href attribute used as selector when you need to activate multiple TabPanels at once with a single Tab using the data-target attribute.
backToTop false Prevent the page from jumping down to the tab content by setting the backToTop setting to true.

NuGet package

Tim Abell maintains a nuget package of stickytabs for easier installation in .NET projects. Report any packaging issues here: https://github.com/timabell/jquery-stickytabs/issues