The Labs that I did from ZyBooks.#

Even though my scripting style is quite noticable (if you've read my script enough times, you'll start to see a pattern that I follow when I am scrupting.

That said, I decided to share the work that I've done, hopinhg that someone will get some new ideas or a new way or writing the script... all because the stopped thinking they way they were, took a chance, and check out how someone else scripted the script.

Just don't copy and paste the entire file and submit it as your own...

I've known how to script before I started this class so i've built a few (maybe more than a few) bad habit that are easy to spot and these are mistakes that someone just learning python wouldn't go and make.

So in short, I'm totally cool if you guys use my files as learning tools

Just don't go copy the file, paste it, and sumbit my work as yours.


Anyw questions, feel free to hit me up at