This repository contains lists of world countries in JSON, CSV and XML. Each line contains the country:
- name
- top-level domain (tld)
- code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (cca2)
- code ISO 3166-1 numeric (ccn3)
- code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (cca3)
- currency code(s)
- calling code(s)
- alternative spellings
- relevance
- region
- subregion
Multiple values are separated by a comma. I use [Mr. Data Converter] 1 to generate the JSON and XML; the CSV is done by hand.
I will add the following data:
- the country capital city
- the country official language(s)
- Wikipedia for country name, TLD, ISO codes and alternative spellings
- for currency codes
- Alternative spellings and relevance are inspired by
- Region and subregion are taken from
Thanks to @Glazz for his help with country calling codes.
Thanks to @hexorx for his work.